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Emma sat down in her seat. This was the part of her job she hated most. Flying. Emma was the choreographer for Westlife and they had asked her to join her on their latest tour. Normally she would only be working with them on the UK leg of the tour but she got on so well what the guys, they wanted her to come with them to Asia. Their first stop was Indonesia. A 16 hour flight with a 2 hour stopover in Bangkok. They had very kindly gave her a seat in First Class. Shane was sitting in the seat in front of her. He turned around "You ok Emma? I know you hate flying but I'm sure we can keep you amused" he gave his trademark smile. Emma couldn't help but smile when she was around him. He was such a lovely guy, they all were but she was closest with Shane. She had been there for him when Gillian had left him. She also spoke with her to make sure Shane could still see his kids. Thankfully the split had been amicable. Gillian could no longer cope with him being away. The break from the band had been a welcome change for Gillian. She had her husband home. Then the band got back together and it had been too much for her. That was a few years ago and Shane was still single. He had told her he was ready to date again. Gillian had already found someone. Emma couldn't believe he was still single. He was gorgeous and incredibly sexy.
The plane hurtled down the runway and was soon climbing into the night sky. Soon enough they were at cruising altitude and could move around the cabin. Emma stayed in her seat with her seatbelt on. She only got up if she had to. The guys were having fun joking around and having a few drinks. Their first tour date was a week away but they wanted to get there to have a couple of days rest before it kicked off. "Emma. Have a drink with us. Come onnnnn" Nicky said loudly. Enma chuckled "I'm good Nicky."
"Shane. Get your woman to have a drink with us" Kian added. "Yeah Shane. Get your woman" mark said laughing. They had taken to calling her that as they were really close.
"Pleaassse for meeeee" Shane said cutely.
"Right fine. Jesus" Emma got up and took the drink. An hour later the other 3 lads were snoring. It was only Emma and Shane awake.
"You're really cute so you know that"
"Thank you Shane. You're cute too"
"No. I mean you're really cute" Shane moved closer. So close they were within kissing distance. "You're drunk Mr Filan"
"So are you Miss Jones. I really want to kiss you"
"I want you to kiss me"
Shane closed the distance between them. His lips were soft and the kiss was slow and sweet. Emma wasn't sure if it was because of the drink but kissing Shane felt right. He pulled away. "We should get some sleep. Night cutie" he kissed her again then went back to his seat, falling asleep not long after. Emma sat in here seat stunned. She wondered if it was just a drunk kiss or if he wanted more. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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