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Shane and Emma had spent a couple of days getting her new flat sorted, adding her own touch to it and then she finally moved in. Her and Shane sat on her sofa with a takeaway.
"I hate that I can't stay tonight. Tomorrow is my day with the kids before me and the lads head down to the studio in Dublin." Emma had been dreading this. He was down in Dublin for 2 weeks recording songs for the new album and then it was time for the Mexico tour. Emma was part of the tour team. The old tour manager had been sacked after the incident in Asia. The new guy, Thomas, was a nice guy. His wife Alice was on the team too in wardrobe so they didn't need to worry about them causing trouble for them.
"I hate that I won't see you for two weeks but it will be worth it when we fly out to Mexico. We can make up for lost time" Emma said winking at Shane.
"I'm sure we can make use of FaceTime until you're with me again"
"You're so naughty. I love it."
They laughed. Their sex life was certainly full on. Shane was very much her Christian Grey. It was always hot. Sometimes he let her be in control. Other times it was slow and romantic.
"Shane, have you ever had sex on a plane?"
Shane nearly choked on his food. "No. Why?"
She smiled at him "we need to rectify that. Let's tick off the bucket list" 
He put their food down and pulled her onto his lap. "Are you serious?"
"Yes. Don't you think it will be hot. Me and you getting it on when everyone is asleep."
"Jesus woman. You're on"
"Good. Now how about I give you a little treat right now" she stood up and put on some music.  Moving slowly to the song, she started to take her clothes off. Teasing him as she did so. He moaned when he saw the black lace bra and panties she had on. "Stand up" Shane done as he was asked. Emma undone his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers, Shane kicking them off. She got down on her knees and looked up at him "enjoy" she whispered before kissing the tip of his cock. "Mmmm" he moaned softly as her tongue flicked over it before she slowly took him into her mouth. She worked him slowly, enjoying his breathy moans. "Emma!" He cried out in surprise as he hit the back of her throat. She picked up the pace, Shane started thrusting his cock into her mouth. "I'm...I'm..emmmaaaaaaa" he came hard into her mouth. She picked up his phone and handed it to him, wanting him to take a photo. He opened the camera and she opened her mouth to show him it was full of his cum. He took a photo and then she swallowed. He helped her to her feet. "Why don't we continue this photoshoot in my bedroom. My master needs something to remember me with when he's away" Emma took his hand and led her to her bedroom

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