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Emma, Shane and Nicole were sitting in the living room. Nicole hadn't said two words to her and Emma was worried. Shane smiled over at her "Nicole here loves to dance. She's been wanting to take dance class for a while now. Emma is a dance teacher and she runs classes at Miss Rose's studio."
Nicole looked over at her and smiled. "Cool. Maybe"
Gillian had said Nicole would be full of questions but it was clear she wasn't happy with her dad being with her.
"Dad. Can I have a glass of water please?"
"Sure. Emma do you want anything?"
"No I'm fine. Thanks"
Shane went to the kitchen. Nicole looked at Emma with a scowl on her face.
"Right. I don't like that you're with my dad."
"Ok that's fine but do you feel the same about Mark?"
"No. Mark is a nice man. I don't like you. You're going to take my dad away from us."
"I promise you that will not happen. Your time with your dad is special and I would never get in the way of that"
"You better not" she muttered as Shane came back in.
"I'm going to head upstairs. Let you two spend time together. Why don't you take Nicole out for lunch. I'm not hungry"
Nicole smirked.
"I want you to come with us"
"Honestly, it's fine. Go spend time with your daughter and I will see you later. Have fun" she kissed Shane's head. "Bye Nicole."
Nicole didn't respond.
Up in the bedroom, Emma lay on the bed worried about what this could mean for their relationship. She heard the front door close and she let out the tears she had been holding in. Crying herself to sleep.
"Emma. Baby I'm home"
Emma opened her eyes and looked up sleepily at Shane. "Hey handsome" she sat up "what time is it?"
"2pm. Did you have something to eat?"
"No. I don't have much of an appetite"
"Nicole told me what she said."
Emma looked down
"Hey. Look at me" she looked up at him
"I had a word with her and when Gillian came to collect her and she found out, she had a word with her too"
"You didn't need to do that. She already thinks I'm going to take her from you."
"We all reassured her that won't happen."
"I can't force her to like me or accept me. All I can do is hope that she will eventually."

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