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Emma and Shane had left Dublin early the next morning as they wanted to get out the city. The drive had been silent as they both tried to process the events of the night before. They knew exactly who had sold the story. Shane turned on the radio and the news came on "Westlife's Shane Filan and Fiancée Emma Jones are reportedly Irelands very own Christian and Ana. A source told the Irish Sun of their relationship with Shane and have provided proof" he turned the radio off. Emma didn't know what to say. She could see the anger and pain on his face. Turning off the road to their house then saw the photographers. "Fuck sake" he muttered under his breath. The gates opened and they drove through with the cameras flashing. Getting out the car they quickly went into the house. Shane headed upstairs and Emma made sure all the curtains and blinds were closed downstairs so they could have their privacy. She headed upstairs and could hear Shane talk on the phone. "Yes I know exactly who it was that sold the story? My private life is exactly that. Private. I wouldn't ask you what you got up to behind closed doors!" Emma turned to go back downstairs to give him privacy when she heard Shane shout "why the fuck should we postpone finishing the album? There's plenty of other studios. Fine. Whatever" he ended the call and shouted out in frustration. Emma decided to go to him.  "Shane" "WHAT" Emma's eyes welled up with tears. He looked at her "this is your fault." "Excuse me?" "You heard me. You turned your back on your friend and she now knows everything thanks to Mandy"
"No Shane. This isn't my fault. It's Mandy's. She blabbed not me. You're the one who was her submissive. This is nothing to do with me"
"Maybe you should have turned down the job with us" "yeah maybe I should have. Clearly meeting me was a mistake to you" she took off her engagement ring and sat it on the bed. She quickly went downstairs, calling a taxi as she did. It was only a couple of minutes before it arrived. She headed outside and ignored the calls of the photographers. "Where to?" She gave the driver her location and they headed off. She paid the driver and got out the taxi. She found Miss Rose waiting for her. "I'm glad you called sweetheart. Let's get you inside" Miss Rose's house was right next to the studio. They sat in her living room. The curtains had been closed just in case any photographers had followed her. "Thank you Miss Rose"
"Please call me Margaret. We are not at work now Emma" She smiled warmly "I saw the paper. Don't let them get to you. Trash the lot of them. They could tell me the sky was blue and I would check it's true" they chuckled. "Shane blames me" Margaret looked shocked "how on earth is this your fault?" Emma told her everything. She knew she could trust Margaret. Especially as the Irish Sun had posted a private story about her late husband. "Oh Emma. Give him some time. He's just lashing out. Men are weird creatures. Incapable of thinking logically when they are angry." Emma nodded. "He didn't try to stop me from leaving. He didn't say meeting me wasn't a mistake." Emma started crying. Margaret hugged her. Emma's phone rang. Shane. She rejected the call and turned her phone off. She wasn't ready to talk to him.
"You can stay here as long as you need"
"Thank you. I don't want you to be dragged into this. I will stay a couple of hours so I can figure out what I'm going to do next."

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