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Shane had been gone a week. Emma had kept herself busy with working at the dance studio. Nicole had moved to a different class. Emma was glad she had continued classes. When she wasn't at the studio, she was chilling at home. Gillian had come to visit with the boys one day. It had been nice. Gillian felt bad for how Nicole had been treating her but Emma said she understood how hard it must be. She also explained how it took a couple of months for her to warm to Mark. Emma had suspected as much.
Tonight she was on her own. She was sat naked on the edge of her bed in front of her long mirror. Her legs open as she took photos to sent to Shane. Clicking send she got up and put on her pyjamas. Half an hour later she got a reply from Shane. "Fuck. You're so hot. What I could do to you right now" Emma giggled
"There is one thing I want you to do when I see you in two days" Emma was travelling down to Dublin to join the lads for the trip to Mexico.
"Oh yeah what's that?"
"The one thing you have always wanted. That I said I wouldn't do. Until now"
"Holy shit. Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm very sure. I trust you to take care of me" she took a photo of the butt plug she has bought so she could get used to the sensation, and sent it to Shane. "I will be wearing this on the journey down. I want to be ready for you.
"I promise to be gentle. I better get some sleep. See you in two days baby. I love you x"
Tomorrow was their last day in the studio. Not wanting to wait, she booked a train ticket for the next day. It would be a surprise for him seeing her a day early. She tidied up the flat and had finished packing. The door knocked. Emma was confused who it could be at the time of night. Opening the door she found Nicole. A very upset Nicole.
"Nicole. What's wrong? Come in" Nicole went into the living room and sat down. "What's wrong sweetie."
"I saw him."
"Mum's boyfriend mark."
"Ok. What happened?"
"He was kissing another woman"
Shit. This was not good.
"Are you sure it was him?"
"Ok. Come here" 
Nicole cuddled her tightly. Emma's phone rang.
"Hi Gillian. Have I seen Nicole? Yes she's here with me....she's fine. Upset. Yeah sure I will bring her home now" Emma ended the call. "Let me get changed and I will take you home. We can get this sorted sweetheart" before going to get changed she gave Nicole a glass of water.
Soon she was changed and headed to Gillian's
"Nicole. I was so worried about you." She said hugging her daughter. "What's going on"
"We should maybe sit down"
In the living room, Nicole told her mum what she had seen
"Honey, Mark has been here all night"
"I saw him mum."
The door knocked and mark went to answer.
"David!! Sarah! What you doing here"
David walked in with his wife.
"Nicole, meet my twin brother David"

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