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The Asia tour went by in a blur. Shane had been busy with interviews and tv appearances as well as the shows. Emma had spent her days enjoying the hotel facilities, especially the swimming pool and spa. She didn't want to go sightseeing on her own. At night after the shows, her and Shane were usually snuggled up in bed enjoying their time together.
Now they were at the airport waiting for their flight back to London. Emma wasn't sure what would happen when they got back to the UK. She was based in London and shared a flat with another woman. Shane was going back to his home in Ireland. The band had two months off before being back in the studio and then they were off to Mexico. As they boarded, Shane took her hand and said "worried about the flight?" She shook her head. "What's wrong?"
She sighed "let's sit down and talk about it when we're in the air". Soon enough they were at 37, 000 feet and free to move about the cabin. "What's going on Emma?" She turned to look at him. "What happens now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I'm based in London. You're going home to Sligo. What happens with us?"
Shane smiled "why don't you come to Sligo and stay with me for a while? I could show you around Sligo and we could travel down to Dublin for a few night?"
"Won't Gillian mind? I know you're not together but I'm not sure she would be happy another woman being around her kids and I don't want to mess things up for you"
"She already knows about us and she's happy I have found someone who understands the crazy schedule "
"Sooooo, will you come to Sligo? Pleassssee"
"Ok ok" she chuckled. "I will come to Sligo."
"Good choice beautiful".
The flight was quiet as everyone was exhausted.
They landed in London. Shane went with Emma to her flat. "Wow this is a nice place. Going for the minimalist feel?" He looked around the almost empty space. Emma saw a letter on the coffee table. "It's from the landlord. He wants us out the flat by the end of the month."
"What? Why?"
"According to him he's not had rent in 3 months. I always left my half with Jackie to pay. Clearly she hasn't been paying the thieving cow." She burst out crying "now what do I do? I can't afford a place of my own." Shane hugged her "I can't move out of London. My work is here"
"You can move. In with me."
"You heard me. Move in with me. You work for us so you can relocate  and I'm sure you can start a dance studio in Sligo"
"We've only been together for weeks"
"Yes but we have known each other for ages. It makes sense Emma. I would be thrilled to have the woman I love live with me. "
"You love me?"
" yes. I love you"
"I love you too"
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes. I will move in with you"

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