Twenty One

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Emma froze to the spot. Shane turned to look at her. "Eyes on me Shane. Remember who is in charge" he turned back and looked at the ground. Emma moved forward slightly "STOP." Mandy screeched "You have no place here but I will let you stay and watch. This time." This time? Bitch it's the only time Emma thought to herself. "Sit there" Mandy pointed to the stool at the dressing table. "Give me your phone"
"It's downstairs in my handbag" "it better be" Emma nodded. It was in downstairs and Emma was annoyed as she normally kept it in her pocket. Mandy turned back to Shane. "Stand up and take your clothes off. Do as mistress asks" Shane got up slowly and done as he was asked. "On the bed. Hands above your head. Legs open."  Shane had tears streaming down his face. This was the last thing he wanted. When Mandy had her back to her, Emma got up quietly, carefully picking up the wooden stool. She swung it hard and fast against Mandy's head. She felt to the floor. The knife dropped and Emma kicked it out the way. She went to Shane and wrapped him up in the duvet. "Don't move" she ran downstairs and got her phone and headed right back up to the room , phoning the police as she did. Mandy was still out cold. Shane buried his head against Emma's chest and sobbed. "Ssshhh. I've got you babe." She held him tight. Emma heard the front door burst open and pounding footsteps approaching the room. Just as the police entered the room, Mandy came round.
Two officers sat her up against the wall and radioed for an ambulance. The other two officers sat with Emma and Shane "are you both ok? Do you need medical attention?"
"I don't but my fiancé is badly shaken"
The officer radioed for another ambulance to attend "I don't want to go to hospital"
"Don't worry Mr Filan. They can check you over here" Emma smiled weakly "thank you"
Ten minutes later the ambiances arrived. One taking Mandy away with a police escort. The other crew checked Shane over. As they done their checks, an officer took Emma aside and she gave her statement. The paramedics cleared Shane and recommended plenty of rest. An officer took his statement and the knife was taken for evidence. "We will be in touch soon. We will see ourselves out. Our locksmith is changing the locks as we speak and will give you a new set of keys. Take care" After everyone left, Emma sat with Shane until he fell asleep. As he slept, Emma got the keys from the locksmith and then tidied up quickly. She heard Shane call out for her. She ran back to him "I'm here." She said softly as she sat next to him. "Stay here with me. Don't leave me" she kissed his head "I'm going nowhere."
He fell asleep again. Emma sent a message to the group chat they had with everyone. Nicky messaged to say he was coming up from Dublin. Kian said he would be right over and Mark, who was in London, said he would be on the first flight out. The front door knocked and Emma went downstairs to let Kian in. A couple of hours later Nicky arrived. "Mark text to say he had just boarded the place. He will be here in a couple of hours." They sat in the living room and Emma filled them in. "I knew she was an obsessive fan but not to that extent." Kian said shaking his head " we knew she was a little crazy but to do that? It's scary" Nicky added. "Why you guys here?" They turned toward Shane "We're family dude and you need us" Shane smiled. "Thank you but you didn't need to rush over" Kian chucked "yes we did" they say chatting until Mark arrived. Emma made everyone some food. Shane only wanted some toast. He then changed his mind when he saw the pizzas she made. "I will let you guys catch up. I will go make up the beds for you. Goodnight" Emma kissed Shane and hugged the rest of the guys. Upstairs he made up the beds. She moved her bags into the main room. She quickly changed the bedding, undressed and got in. Quickly falling asleep.

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