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Emma had tossed and turned all night. She had heard Shane cry himself to sleep. She should have went to him but she knew she would have given into him. He had to understand how much he hurt her. There was a knock at the bedroom door. "Come in" Shane entered the room "good morning." He said looking at the floor "I hope you don't mind me being in here"
"It's your house" she said cooly. "Oh. I umm just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the cinema this afternoon?  Since we are starting again, this could be our first date?"
Emma was in two minds. She was tired and wanted to sleep all day but she also knew they had to be seen in public together or people would assume they had split.
"Ok" Shane smiled when she agreed. "It's only a trip to the cinema. Not a promise for anything else!" The smile faded slightly "I know" he finally looked at her "would you like something to eat?" She shook her head "I'm not hungry. I would like to sleep a while longer before we head out" it was taking all her energy not to give in and jump on him. She loved him and wanted him badly but if she caved it would be as if she was saying he could walk all over her. "Sure ba..Emma. I can wake you in a couple of hours." She noticed he stopped himself from calling her baby and it did hurt. "Thank you" Shane closed the door behind him and Emma drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Shane woke her as he said he would and left her to get ready. She had a quick shower and then got dressed. Jeans, a stripe T-shirt and trainers. Her hair swept up into a messy bun. Emma headed downstairs and met Shane at the front door. He was wearing jeans, a shirt and boots. The scent of his aftershave swept over her. Hugo Boss. "Shall we?" He escorted her to the car, opening the door for her. They noticed on the way out a couple of photographers hanging about. They looked disappointed to see them leave together. They made small talk as Shane drove to their destination. Not long later they were at the cinema. Emma had wanted to see a comedy as she wasn't in the mood for romance or action. The cinema were screening an older film, Ace Ventura. So they opted for that. Shane treated them to drinks and hot dogs. Popcorn too. As they watched the film, Shane reached over for her hand. She had promised that was fine, as was kissing. He smiled when she didn't push him away. The screen was pretty much empty. An older couple sat down the front. They were nearer the back. Shane had wanted to stay out the way just in case. She turned to look at him. He didn't notice as he was too engrossed in the film. She stroked his cheek and he turned to face her. She leaned forward and kissed him. It was slow and tender. His hands stayed on her back, keeping his promise not to push for anything more. The kiss became more heated. Emma pulled away. Her face flushed. "We need to stop." Shane nodded "I know. You're not ready" she shook her head " I want to but I can't. Not just yet." They settled down and watched the rest of the film. Their date had been nice and they headed home. Shane had promised her a Chinese and she was starving. They arrived back home. Something felt off to Emma. She couldn't quite place it. Shane headed upstairs to get changed. Emma heard a thump "Shane? You ok?" She didn't get a reply. "SHANE?" Still nothing. Emma quickly made her way to his bedroom. The door was open. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Shane on his knees, trembling in fear and Mandy standing in only her underwear, whip in one hand, knife in the other.

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