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Back home in Sligo, Shane had convinced Emma to give up her flat and move back in with him. Mark's brother and wife were taking over the lease on the flat and moving in. So it worked out for everyone. The day after she moved back in, they went ring shopping. Emma was nervous and excited. An engagement notice would go out and it meant she would now be in the spotlight. Nicole met them at Wehrly Bros.  She hugged Emma as soon as she saw her. "Yer old dad not getting a hug?" Shane said pretending to be annoyed. She hugged her dad and laughed. Inside, they went over to the engagement rings. It was overwhelming as all the rings were beautiful. Expensive too. They had been looking for 20 minutes when Emma saw the one she liked. It was also the cheapest option in the store but she really liked it. "I love this one. It's beautiful" she pointed. Shane smiled and nodded. The sale assistant sized Emma's finger and got the ring. "Would you like to try it on?" The assistant asked. "Ah not yet." Shane said before adding "I want her to wait just a little longer" he handed his card over to pay.
"Shane. Really?!" Everyone chuckled "yes really." The sales assistant put the ring in a velvet box and handed it to Shane. He leaned into Nicole and whispered something and she nodded before saying her goodbyes and leaving. That was strange Emma thought. They left the store and headed for the car. "Shane. Where are we going?"
"You'll soon find out"  he pulled over and pulled out a blindfold. Placing it over her eyes. "Kinky" she said with a giggle "oh you will be getting plenty of that later"
He started the car and continued to their destination. Once there he got out and ran round to her side of the car. Helping her out he guided her to where he wanted them to be. She felt the cool breeze on her skin. They stopped. He took her blindfold off and whispered "keep your eyes closed" a moment later he said "open them" she slowly opened her eyes and adjusted to the daylight. Strandhill beach. She looked around and saw Gillian mark and the kids and the lads from the band with their children and partners. Shane was down on one knee. "I wanted to make it even more special. I'm so in love with you Emma. You've made me so happy. Will you marry me"
Emma was in tears "yes Shane. I will marry you" he said the ring on her finger, stood up and kissed her. Everyone came over and congratulated them. Not long later they were in the cars and headed for a restaurant. In the car alone Shane said "I know I proposed in Mexico but I wanted to give you a special proposal. Sitting on the end of the bed wasn't that"
"Shane. You could have proposed to me over m breakfast and it would still have been special because it's you. The man I love."
They parked outside the restaurant. He leaned over and kissed her passionately. "I want you to wear something for me."
He pulled out the love egg. "I have the remote for it. What you say?"
Emma pulled her dress up and moved her panties to the side, opening her legs to give him access. She was glad they were in a quiet spot. He slid the egg inside her. Smiling as she moaned. He turned it on at the lowest setting to let he adjust to it. "How does it feel?"
"Good but not as good as you feel inside me"
He fixed her panties and her dress. He turned the egg off much to her annoyance "I'm going to keep you on edge all night. I want you desperate for me" he kissed her cheek. "Let's go" They headed into the restaurant. Inside their friends were waiting. "Our engagement party" they sat down. Everyone was laughing and happy. Emma was chatting with Georgina, Gillian and Jodi when the egg started to vibrate strongly. She managed to keep it together for a few minutes then he turned it off. It was going to be a long night. A while later and after much teasing, Emma excused herself and went to the bathroom. Before she headed inside, Shane was there "do not touch yourself. I want you so badly but I'm going to make you wait" Emma looked around. She realised it was only their friends in the restaurant. She pulled him into the bathroom with her and into a cubicle "I cant wait. It's too much. I need you now. Please" she said. Shane growled and pushed her against the cubicle door. His hand moved under her dress pulling her panties down. Her hands shaking as she tried to undo his trousers. He smiled. He loved when she was all flustered. Putting the lid down, he sat on the toilet "ride me" he whispered. She pulled her dress up and went to remove the egg "leave it in" her eyes shot to his. Nervously, she slid down onto him. Both moaning as she did. Waiting a minute before she moved to let them adjust. The she moved hard and fast. It didn't take them long to come. "Fuck that was incredible" Shane panted. He helped her to her feet then carefully removed the love egg, wrapping it in some toilet tissue. They quickly fixed their clothes, washed their hands and headed back out. They bumped into Kian. "Tut tut." He said with a smirk. "I have no idea what you're tutting at" Shane said walking away followed by a giggling Emma.

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