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They were sat at London Heathrow waiting for their flight to be called. Shane leaned and whispered "are we still joining the mile high club?" Emma turned to him and said "I sure hope so or me having no underwear on under my dress was a huge mistake" Before he could reply their flight was called. They took their seats in  business class. Shane held her hand as the took off. As soon as they could take the seatbelts off, Shane was up and away talking to the lads. Nicky's wife Georgina was also on the trip. She came and sat next to Emma. "Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you! Gillian told me all about you." Emma smiled "it's lovely to meet you too."
"I have to say, Shane seems so much happier since he's met you. Well I know you've been the choreographer for a while but he's a different man now he's with you."
"He's still cheeky that's for sure" they laughed.
"Can I have my girl back please?" Nicky asked with a chuckle.  Georgina got up and went to sit with her husband. Shane sat back down next to Emma. "Do you really have no underwear on"
She smirked. "It would have only get in the way during our bathroom quickie."
"God I can't wait for them to go to sleep"
A could of hours later the cabin lights were dimmed and everyone had fallen asleep. Emma got up and headed to the toilet. A moment later Shane followed. He gently knocked on the door and Emma opened it and dragged him in.
She quickly undone his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers. She turned around and face the mirror. Her eyes met his as he roughly slid into her. They had to be quiet but it wasn't easy when it felt so good. "Fuck this is so hot" he whispered as he moaned softly. It didn't take long for them to find release. They fixed themselves and there was a knock at the door. Shane opened the door and found an angry looking flight attendant "this is not a hotel. How dare you!"
"Sorry. My girlfriend was having a panic attack and needed somewhere quiet to calm down. I'm only here to help her." The flight attendant looked at Emma who was still panting slightly.
"Oh. I am so sorry. Usually on these flights we get people who...sorry. Can I get you anything?"
"Could I have a bottle of water please"
"Sure. I will bring it to your seat"
Emma and Shane headed back to their seat and the woman brought the water. "Thank you"
After she left, Shane looked at Emma and smiled "that was quick thinking"
"It was the only thing that made sense"
They settled down to sleep.
It was hours later when they woke up to the plane shaking violently.
"Shane. What's going on?" She grabbed his hand. The pilot came over the speaker.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Please fasten your seatbelts. We are experiencing some turbulence. I'm waiting for clearance to climb to 39,000 feet so we can be above it."
Emma was terrified. The plane climbed and the shaking stopped.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Please remain seated. We are above the worst of it and will begin meal service"
They enjoyed their meal and not long after they were on final approach. As soon as the wheels touched down, Emma wanted off.

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