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Emma sat on his bed waiting for him to get back from the studio. Nicky knew she was waiting and had arranged for the hotel to let her in. Her phone beeped. "Pulling up outside the hotel now." She typed a quick reply
"Thanks Nicky!"
"Try not make too much noise ;)"
She giggled. The keycard beeped and the door opened. "Hello Mr Filan" Shane jumped then looked at a naked Emma sat on his bed. "Emma!! What you doing here? You were meant to be here tomorrow" Emma laughed as he said this whilst undressing quickly.
"I couldn't wait."
"Are you wearing the....."
She turned around and got onto all fours. The little red gem from the butt plug shining in the light. He walked over to her and took a photo on his phone. "That is definitely one for my album" she giggled. Shane spanked her ass. "You sure about this?" He asked
"If it gets too much tell me. I will stop"
"I will"
Shane slid the butt plug out and placed it on the bed. He positioned himself behind her and slowly pushed into her ass. "Fuck yes" she moaned as he began to move "you don't need to be gentle. Go for it"
That's all he needed and he started to move faster and harder. Their moans getting louder. Emma reached down and started rubbing her clit. "Oh fuck shaaanneeeeee" it was too good to be quiet. Shane came seconds later.
They lay on the bed panting.
"That was amazing "
"I'm going to run us a bath" he kissed her and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later they were both sat in the bath.
"You ok? Not hurting are you?"
"I'm fine handsome. That was definitely worth the wait"
"Gillian told me what happened. Thank you for being there for her"
"No need to thank me. Just glad I could help"
They chatted about how the album was going and after the bath they sat on the bed enjoying room service. Their flight wasn't until the next night and Shane had promised to take Emma around Dublin before they had to leave.
They fell asleep in each other's arms.

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