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Emma was in the dance studio and it had been a busy Saturday morning of classes. Nicole had turned up to her second class of the day. Emma had been hopeful that things would have been better this time but Nicole had been difficult, been cheeky when given instruction and was disruptive. Emma had decided to keep it to herself but Miss Rose, who had been observing some of the older students, had contacted Gillian about the behaviour and she in turn told Shane. When she had met the boys the day before, it had gone really well. They had played video games and had a laugh. Nicole just wouldn't give her a chance.
The last class had come to an end and all Emma wanted to do was go home, soak in a bath and snuggle on the sofa with Shane. Arriving home she found the house empty. A note sat on the table. "Gone to Gillian's to try work things out with Nicole. Will be home at 6ish. Love you. S xx"
Emma sighed. She just wanted to see him. Heading upstairs she ran her bath and got in. The warm water and bubbles weren't helping to settle her. She felt on edge. If Nicole didn't accept her, her relationship with Shane wouldn't work. She couldn't come between them. Getting out the bath, she dried quickly and got dressed. She packed a bag and headed downstairs and wrote a note for Shane.
"Shane. I love you so much but I can't come between you and your daughter. I'm checking into a hotel for a couple of days to think things through. E x"
She locked up the house and headed to the Glasshouse Hotel. All checked in she was now alone in her room and she let the tears fall. Closing her eyes she drifted off to sleep.
Shane arrived to the empty house. He was confused as Emma should have been home by now. He looked around the house for her and finally found her note. He felt as if his heart has stopped. She was gone. He picked up his phone and called Gillian "she's gone G. She's checked into a hotel. Please help me find her"
He paced around the living room until Gillian called back "she's at the Glasshouse. My friend Anna checked her in a couple of hours ago. Room 98. I will have a serious word with Nicole."
"Thank you G"
He hung up and headed out to the car. Not long later he was at the hotel. Anna was waiting for him at reception and handed him the keycard to her room. He headed toward her. Letting himself in. She sat up quickly.

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