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The morning after their engagement dinner, Emma woke to Shane gently waking her. "Good morning beautiful. I've brought you breakfast in bed." She sat up slowly and Shane placed the tray on the bed. He had made them pancakes with honey. Her favourite. There some fruit and coffee for them both. "What did I do to deserve this?" She asked before taking a sip of her coffee "I have a day of pampering planned for you."  She smiled. "Oh really? And what does that entail?" She took a bite of her pancakes "you will find you soon enough. The pancakes good?"
"Mmm. So good"
They ate their breakfast.
"First I'm running  you a nice warm bubble bath. Stay here and I will come get you when it's ready"
A few minutes later and Shane picked her up and carried she through to the bathroom. She gasped "Shane. This is so sweet" he had used her favourite bubble bath and he had scattered rose petals on the water. He placed her carefully into the bath. She sighed happily.
"Enjoy. I will be back soon"
Emma wondered what he had planned for her.
She noticed a white fluffy bathrobe hanging up and slippers too. She was excited to see how the day wood go. Half an hour later, Shane came back into the bathroom. He helped her out and dried her gently. "I could get used to this" she giggled. Shane smiled. Emma put on the robe and slippers. Shane took her hand and led her back to the bedroom. It was dimly lit by candles. Shane had pulled down the blackout blinds. She noticed towels covering the bed. Shane took her robe off as she kicked off her slippers. "Lie on the bed. On your stomach." Emma lay down. She was wondering where this was going. A cool liquid hit her bare skin. Shane started to slowly massage her shoulders, the oil soaking into her skin as he did so. He worked his way from her shoulders down to her feet. "Turn over" when she did she noticed he was naked. He poured some oil into her breasts and started gently massaging them. "Mmm. Feels good" Shane moved away and cleaned the oil from his hands. He leaned over her and kissed her "stay there" Emma lay there quietly. He came back into the room "close your eyes" he slipped the blindfold over her eyes. Then he put her hands above her head and she felt the cool leather around her wrists as he attached the cuffs to her wrists and then to the bed frame. "You're mines" he whispered in her ear. "Yours" he kissed her neck and then moved away. He placed cuffs on her ankles and attracted them to the bottom frame. Fuck fuck fuck. He stood at the side of the bed admiring her body. Her lying there waiting to see what he would do next. She heard him open a drawer then place things on the bed. "Do you trust me?" "Yes"
He picked up a bottle and dripped the liquid onto her pussy. Emma let out a soft moan as he rubbed it onto her. A finger slid into her, then two. Working her open. He moved his hand away and smirked as Emma met out a loud moan as he slid the rabbit vibrator inside her. Moving it in and out slowly, the little ears vibrating against her clit. As soon as she was close he pulled it out, leaving her begging for more. He picked up the flogger and ran it down her body. He gently struck her leg with it. She cried on "don't stop" he continued to strike her legs, then her breast and finally her pussy. He loved being in control like this. After one last strike he dropped it to the floor. His mouth on her, roughly sucking her clit. His hands squeezing her breasts. Her body felt like it was on fire. She was desperate to touch him but at the same time she was excited to have no control. Once again he moved away when she was close to release. "Shane. Please"
"No. Not yet"  he placed a small tube over clit and pressed the valve. Her moans filled the room as the pump made her clit swollen. He unclipped the valve and left the tube. "God you look so fucking hot. Lying there letting me have my way with you. My beautiful slut" he picked up nipple clamps next and placed them on her. ""Fuck yes" she cried. Then he roughly pulled the tube off and placed a little rubber band around her swollen clit so it would stay that way. He placed the cock ring on himself, turning the vibration on and slid into her, moving slowly and deeply so the vibrations against her clit were driving her wild. He pulled on the nipple clamps which made her moan. "Come for me Emma. Scream my name"
He fucked her harder with each movement "shhaaanneeeeeeeeeeeee" she squirted over him as he filled her with cum. He gently pulled out and removed the clamps, cuffs and the blindfold. She looked up at him. "Welcome to my world Emma."

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