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It was a Friday night and all the adults decided to travel down to Dublin for a weekend away together. Everyone was in the hotel lobby ready to hit the town. The club of choice was Copper Face Jacks. They had booked a few tables in the VIP section. Emma was looking forward to a big night out in Dublin. They had had a few drinks at the hotel bar before heading out. Their taxis arrived and they headed to the club. Inside, they were taken to their tables. Everyone was dressed up. It was an excuse to let their hair down. Emma was wearing a strapless black dress and heels. After a couple of drinks the girls hit the dance floor. Beyoncé's Check on it came out and the girls were having a great time dancing seductively to tease their mea. A woman in her late 20s came up to Emma "you're Shane's fiancée aren't you? Homewrecker" she stormed off. Emma was confused but decided to ignore it and enjoy her night. She looked over at the table and saw the girl was talking to the lads. She has sat next to Shane and was pointing over at her. Next thing she pounced on Shane and kissed him. Emma could see he was trying to push her off. The other girls noticed too. "Ah that's Mandy. She's always sniffing about the lads when they play here but she's never done that before." Jodi said putting her arm around Emma "I think you should go save him" Emma stormed over and grabbed Mandy by the hair "who the fuck do you think you are?!"
"He should be with me. Not you. I know what he's into don't I sexy. He's got a dark side that only I can satisfy. You're too vanilla."
"Excuse me?" Emma looked at Mandy and then at Shane. "What is she talking about?" Emma wondered how she knew or had it been a wild guess. "Are you gonna tell her Shane?"
Emma felt anxious "tell me what?" The guys looked nervous. "I slept with Mandy a month before we got together"
"Right that was before we met. So why is she all up on you now?"
"Shane belongs to me. He's my submissive or at least he was until he decided to get with you. I don't know what he sees in you"
Emma got mad "he is not yours and he never will be again. If you come near him one more time I will show you exactly what I am capable of. Oh and one more thing. If you satisfied him so much, why is he with me? Can't have that much going for you now can you?"
"You silly girl. He came to see me when he was down recording the album a couple of months ago"
"No. Shane tell me you didn't"
Shane looked at her with tears in his eyes. "I did BUT not for sex. She runs a shop that sells bdsm products. That is why I saw her. Nothing else."
Mandy smirked. "Be honest Shane. You wanted to sleep with me didn't you?"
"She doesn't give you what you want does she?"
Shane stood up and grabbed Emma "we are leaving" Emma didn't move. "No. I'm going nowhere." She turned to Mandy "I give him everything he desires and more."
"Yeah but you can't give him a child"
Emma felt sick. How did she know that.
"A little birdie told me."
Emma turned to look at Shane "it wasn't him. It was Laura. You're ex best friend. The one you turned your back on after promising to open a dance school with her in Edinburgh. Yeah she told me." Mandy walked over to Shane "You know where I am when you need me"
Emma grabbed her bag "I need to leave" she left the club and joined the taxi queue. Shane appeared just as she was getting in the taxi. He quickly got in. The taxi ride to the hotel was silent. Emma hadn't told him about Laura.
Back in the room Shane sat her down with a coffee. "What happened with Laura"
Emma sighed "We had a plan to set up a dance school in Edinburgh. We had looked at different locations that would be suitable. A week before we were due to sign the papers for the building I got a call about the job with you guys. It made sense for me to take it whilst I was still young enough. I could always go back to run a dance school. Plus being a choreographer for a band tour was a dream so how could I turn it down? She wasn't happy with me. Called me a traitor. We had both worked to save money for the dance school. I found out  a few days after I accepted the job that she hadn't saved at all and the financial burden would have been on me. At one of the first shows I choreographed for you guys here I was side stage and looked out and saw her front row. She had always been a Westlife fan. I'm guessing that's how she met Mandy."
Emma was in tears "I knew she was upset but I didn't imagine she would do this to me."
Shane's phoned beeped. A message from Kian saying to check the link he sent. He opened it and there was a photo of Emma and Shane and the headline read "Shane Filan is Ireland's Christian Grey"

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