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Emma was pacing around the living room. Gillian was coming over for dinner with them so she could meet Emma. It had been Emma's idea as she wanted Gillian to know that the children shouldn't meet her until Gillian and Shane both felt it was the right time.
"Will you stop pacing. Everything will be fine. Just think about what I'm going to do to you when she leaves. Are you wearing the lingerie I left out for you?"
"Yes. Sir" she winked. He had given her a red satin peekaboo bra and matching crotchless panties. Emma chose a deep red skater dress and black heels.
"Good girl. You look so beautiful." He kissed her, his hand moving under her dress and up to her pussy. He slid a finger inside her. "I love how we you get for me." His thumb rubbed her clit, picking up the pace. She was about to orgasm but the knock at the door stopped the fun they were having. Shane moved his hand to his mouth and slid his finger into his mouth "you taste good baby" he went to answer the door as Emma composed herself.
"Shane! Hi!" Gillian hugged him before walking in and over to Emma.
"So this is Emma. It's so nice to meet you." She hugged her. "It's so nice to meet you too." They moved to the living room and sat down.
"I hope you don't mind but we are ordering in. The oven isn't working and the guy can't come out until tomorrow"
"Ah that's fine Shane. Where we ordering from?"
"I thought I would let you ladies decide"
"Italian" they said at the same time.
"Italian it is. " Shane chuckled.
They told him what they wanted.
"I will go pick it up. Be nice girls" Shane said before leaving. Emma felt sick with nerves.
When the door closed Gillian turned to Emma
"So I hear you're opening a dance studio."
"Yes. Well it's a collaboration with the current dance teacher. She was looking for someone to come in to her team and it was the perfect fit. Especially as I will still be choreographing for the lads"
Gillian smiled. "You'll certainly be kept busy." She looked at Emma "I need to say this before Shane gets back and I'm not trying to be horrible but I have no issue with you meeting the kids but you will never replace me"
"Oh don't worry. I would never try to replace you. Anything to do with them is between you and Shane."
"Thank you. My Mark was told the same. He will never replace Shane."
"That's the way it should be."
"You will probably get a million questions from them when you meet them next week. Well it will be Nicole you meet first. Then the boys a week later."
"Honestly, whatever you think is right for them. As for the questions, I will try answer them the best I can" they both laughed.
They sat and chatted until Shane got back.
"Dinner is served ladies."
They made their way through to the kitchen and helped plate up dinner as Shane sorted the drinks. At the dinner table, they chatted about family and life.
"So, awkward question but will we be hearing the patter of tiny feet" Gillian said jokingly.
"Jesus woman. We haven't been together long enough to discuss that" Shane laughed. Emma laughed too but she was fighting tears. There was something she hadn't told Shane yet.
A couple of hours later and Gillian had gone home. Shane took Emma's hand and led her into the living room.
"Emma, why did you tear up when Gillian mentioned having a baby?"
"Oh it's nothing."
"Tell me. What's wrong"
She looked at him, worried he would leave her when she told him.
"I can't have children"
Shane didn't look too surprised.
"The scars on your stomach."
"Yes. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago."
He took her hand "can i ask why?"
She nodded. "I had fibroids. They caused a lot of problems. I was also prone to ovarian cysts. So the doctor recommended the surgery. I'm so sorry Shane. I'm sorry" she started crying.
"Hey. Ssshh. You have nothing to be sorry for."
"You don't want more children?"
"I never gave it a thought but if we feel it's something we want, we could always adopt"
Emma looked at him. She felt herself fall in love with him all over again
"I love you so much"
"I love you too baby. There is one big bonus"
"What's that?"
"Sex whenever we want it."
She slapped his arm "trust you to think about sex" she chuckled.
"Well it's true." He stood up and pulled her up with him. He turned her around and unzipped her dress, watching as she let it fall to the floor. She turned to face him. "I can have you any time, any place and any way I want"

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