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The first few days in Mexico saw Emma teach the backing dancers the choreo. The lads knew their parts and it had been a long time since they had dancers on stage with them. It was a request by the organisers as they wanted to make it a spectacle. It was hot and humid and Emma hated it. Mexico was beautiful but the heat certainly wasn't.
Today was show day. Emma's work was done and her and Georgina stood side stage watching as the lads performed. She felt so proud watching Shane. He was so talented and he had the crowd in the palm of his hand. The show went great and it was time to return to the hotel. Their room was beautiful and had a large shower. The water felt refreshing. They shared a quick kiss before washing each other. There was something sweet and intimate about it and it made her smile. Back into the bedroom they got ready for bed.
"Emma. I need to talk to you."
"That doesn't sound good."
He sat her down. "Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this"
"Emma. We have known each other for a while now and out relationship has been amazing."
Fuck. He's going to end it with me isn't he. She thought to herself.
Shane continued "you're beautiful, sexy, funny, caring and amazing. I love you so much" he got down on one knee. Holy shit he's not asking what I think he is.
"My beautiful Emma will you marry me?"
"Yes. Absolutely yes."
She kissed him. "I can't believe we're engaged!"
"We can pick the ring out together when we get back home."
"Do you think....."
"Nicole wants to be there to help chose the ring too."

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