Twenty Four

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They had been in Barbados for a few days. Emma had another surprise for him but she wasn't sure how he would take this one. She ordered room service breakfast. When it arrived she gently woke up him. "Good morning sleepy head. Time to wake up. Breakfast is here." The room attendant has left it on the table for them. Emma giggled as Shane sat up in bed. His hair messy. "You too cute Filan" she smiled. He gave her a sleepy smile "why thank you." They got up and went over to the table. As they ate Emma brought up the wedding. "Have you any idea of what you would like?" She asked. "Being honest I would love a quiet ceremony. The thought of eloping sounds good" he chuckled "I have done the big wedding before and it's not something I want to repeat but if it's what you want then we can make it happen." He took her hand and she smiled l would prefer a small ceremony. Nothing extravagant." They chatted some more about maybe setting a date. Emma felt butterflies in her stomach. "Are you ok baby?" He asked looking at her worried. "Yes. I have something I need to tell you. It's important"
He nodded. "Ok. You can tell me anything. You know that right?" She smiled. "The wedding. What it if it was just us two. On the beach. Today" Shane's face lit up. "I would love that but wouldn't we need to complete a wedding license and things like that?"
"What if I said I already took care of that. Remember the thing I got you to sign when you were half asleep a few weeks ago?" He nodded "that was the form the hotel needed to get our wedding licence for today."
"Are you serious? We're getting married today? Here? On the beach?" Emma nodded "yes. At 1pm. Two of the staff have agreed to be witnesses. I packed a suit for you and my dress is hidden in the dress bag at the back of the wardrobe. I also have the rings too."
Shane stood up and took her hand gesturing for her to stand too " l can't wait to say I Do." He kissed her gently. "We have a busy morning. We are due at the spa in an hour for a wedding couple's massage and then I'm due to have my hair and make up done just after that. Your suit will be taken to an empty room for you to get ready there. I can't wait to be Mrs Filan"  they share a slow kiss. "Mmm. We better get ready" They showered and got dressed and headed to the spa. Their massage took half an hour. It was absolute bliss. She made a mental note to say to Shane they must book monthly massages at home. After the massages Emma went back to the room and Shane was escorted to the room set aside for him. The girls doing her hair and make up arrived and set about getting her wedding ready. Not long later they were finished and left Emma to get dressed. She had a simple white satin dress that had thing straps. Her hair was pinned up and had a white rose pinned in place. Her make up was natural but had a nice glow. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. The hotel had also given her a beautiful bride's  bouquet of flowers. She was escorted toward the beach. They had laid a white carpet on the sand that led to an archway. Shane was standing waiting for her. He looked so handsome in his suit. The music started and she walked down the aisle toward the love of her life. The witnesses were smiling as they said their vows. The hotel photographer was snapping photos throughout the ceremony. "You may kiss the bride"  everyone in attendance clapped as they shared their first kiss as husband and wife. They then signed the marriage certificate and posed for various photos. They were then escorted to the restaurant that was opened for them. A specially prepared meal was served. Emma looked at her husband "This has been the best day of my life. I love you so much Shane."
He smiled "it has been amazing. I love you Mrs Filan." After their meal they headed back to their room. They stood in front of each other. The atmosphere felt hot. Shane took of his suit jacket and emma started to undo his shirt buttons, pushing his shirt off. Next was his trousers and boxers. She knelt down and took him into her mouth. Working him slowly. She wanted them to take their time. For it to be slow, gentle and special. She looked up at him. His eyes were closed. His breaths became faster and she moved away. Shane helped her to her feet. He carefully took her dress off. Smiling when he saw she was wearing a skimpy white thong. He gently squeezed her breasts, he sucked on her nipples then kissed her belly. He slowly pulled the thong down and off. He never took his eyes off her pussy. He kissed it softly. She opened her legs and Shane slowly devoured her. Her legs began to shake. He moved away. He stood up and led her over to the bed. She lay down and Shane moved between her legs.  He slid into her slowly. Taking their time to enjoy each other. Stealing kisses. Moving together. It was a beautiful blur. Shane came deep inside her. She moaned his name as she followed. He looked down at her and whispered "I'm going to make love to you all night long."

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