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Steve got into his car and drove away from the house. He couldn't breathe because of the anger fuming inside him. He needed to get away from this. He needed to get away from her .

Why you have to do this to me, God? Is this a punishment of some kind?

Why had his parents done this to him? They knew damn well that he hated her. He picked up the phone and called the first person he could think of.

"Hey, what's up, Bro?"

"I'm heading to your house right now, Buck."

"I thought you ha d a family gathering."

"It was cut short , " Steve replied. "I will tell you the full story when I'm there. Is Sam with you?"

"Yeah, right next to me, and getting his ass kicked in Mario Kart."

"Great. See you guys in a bit."

Steve hung up and drove full speed to his friend's house. He found Bucky and Sam in the game room.

"For god's sake, can you guys at least clean the damn room?!" Steve was shocked at the sight he saw. T he dirtiness m aking his skin crawl . "Geez..."

"We're kinda in the middle of something." Bucky said. "Sam here doesn't know how to quit."

"No surrender!" Sam laughed.

Steve pulled the plug out of the socket to stop his friends and make them listen to him with full attention.

"What the hell, bro?" Sam shouted.

"Both of you have to shut up and listen to me. This is a matter of life and death."

"Last time you said that you thought you got someone pregnant," Bucky frowned.

"This is worse than that, alright?" Steve said. "Is Maria here?"

"She left five minutes ago with our daughter , " Bucky told him. "She said her friends had some emergency."

"Good , " Steve took at deep breath. "I have to marry Natasha Romanov. My mom and dad just told me about this over dinner."

There was a complete silence before Bucky and Sam's laughter erupted. Sam fell off the couch while Bucky wiped the tear from his eyes.

"Laugh all you want , " Steve muttered.

"You and Nat? Really?"

"This is so me telenova shit, bro! Arranged marriage ? You and Nat?"

"You and the ugly duckling we used to gang up on when we were kids?"

"Man, this is gonna be so fun, watching you and piglet fight."

"The point is!" Steve raised his voice to make his friends listened. "She's not that ugly duckling kid that we ganged up on anymore."

Steve pulled his phone and showed his friends a photo of Natasha that he secretly took. "She's hot! Like super hot. I should be thankful that god decided to give me a chick this hot to be my fiance but holy hell, I don't want anything to do with her. I still hate her. "

"Dude, just play along , " Sam suggested.

"She's not that bad , " Bucky whispered. "Besides, people can change."

"Does Sharon know about this yet?" Sam asked.

" I'm going to call her now."

Steve sighed and walked out the room. Breaking this news to his girlfriend would be really hard. Even though he made it clear for her that he didn't want to get married or anything. She understood it and he was very grateful to have her.She was okay with the casual relationship, even allow ing him to sleep around on the one condition that no one stayed longer than a night.

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now