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After a lot of convincing, Steve and Natasha finally to agreed to forward with the engagement. When they read the wills that Grandmother Rogers had left, they realized the amount of time that they had to stay married wasn't specified. So Steve proposed that after one year of marriage, he would end things right away. Nat seconded his idea without any hesitation.

The parents were relieved to see their children finally agree on something.

The rest of the day went by slowly with Steve and Natasha spending time in different corners of the house in order to avoid any encounters that might occur. Steve stayed in his art pavilion outside of the house while Nat locked herself up in the library.

Steve needed to unleash his anger somewhere and art was probably the best way to do so without creating any property damage. Art had always been the thing that helped him with his anger and stress. It calmed him and it helped when he needed to think.

So he wore his earphones, blasting really loud music while splashing paint on the canvas. Many staff tried to come near him and ask if he wanted something to eat or drink but they were too afraid to go anywhere near him.

Did he really have to marry Natasha Romanov? It was the only question that he had been asking himself for a while now. Did grandma really think that she was the right one for him? They had been at each other's necks since they were kids, completing with each other in every way. They had never gotten along, not even once, and he didn't want to start now by going along with her in this marriage.

But how could he deny this? His parents needed his help so all of their money wouldn't go to charity. The money that he parents had worked so hard for. The good thing about this wedding was that grandma hadn't specified how long he would have to stay married to that woman.

And yet...Maybe marrying her wasn't that bad, a little voice in Steve's head reasoned. She was beautiful and incredibly hot. He knew it was shallow of him but it was probably the only consolation he had when he thought about spending the rest of his life with her. Sex might be as great as well. Steve was optimistic about it but he would never know until he had the chance to bed her.

But why did his mother have to make it a big deal by giving him a family heirloom like the ring that was currently burning in his pants' pocket? When a cheap ring would do the same trick. A cheaper ring emphasized the way things between him and Romanov stood, that she meant nothing to him.

Halfway through his shitty childish-tantrum painting, Steve tried to call Sharon again but she wasn't answering his calls. He hate every second that he couldn't explain this situation to her. Maybe she was right about one thing about him. He always did what his parents asked of him. After all the shit that he done last night to stop his parents. He'd done the best he could so that her parents would call this idea off.

Maybe it was time to play along for awhile.


After they reached the agreement, Natasha quickly disappeared into her room to avoid everyone. This summer already sucked and this arranged marriage thing didn't help either.

She called Maria and Pepper and told them everything about what happened. They said that it was generous of her to help the Rogers' and put other's need before her own.

"Maybe marrying Steve won't be a bad thing," Pepper tried to cheer her up. "He's rich and handsome and now that you have him in the palm of your hand, he has to treat you right."

"Or maybe he is going to get worse than he already is."

"Every girl in New York City would die to take your place."

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now