HDEDI [18]

440 11 2

Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

Steve held Natasha in his arms and let her sit on his lap. He was so gentle as he rubbed his hand on hers, trying to help sooth her. Natasha was still shaking so he kissed her temple repeatedly.

“You’re safe, Nat,” he whispered. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you ever again.”

“I should have listened to you.” She buried her face in his chest.

“Shh, it’s okay. Nat, it’s okay.”

Nat cried and Steve didn’t know what to do so he held her in his arms. He continued until they reached their home. He carried her out of the limo and to the elevator. He didn’t put her down until they were in the bathroom.

Steve slowly took off her clothes and then carried her into the bathtub, letting the warm water run and fill the tub. He brought a small table and let Natasha put her arm on it so that she could avoid the water getting to her wound.

“I will be right back,” he said before leaving the bathroom.

He got Nat’s nightgown out of her closet and called Dr. Banner so he could inspect the cut on her arm again. Bruce said he would be there in twenty minutes and Steve couldn’t thank him enough because it was a little bit late in the night.

He came back and sat down next to the tub, kissing her bare shoulder before washing her hair. Nat leaned back let him do the work. He’d been surprisingly gentle lately and Natasha was started to like it. She could get used to this gentleman Steve.

Maybe he had changed completely.

After he finished cleaning her, he lifted her out of the bath and dried her before putting the nightgown carefully over her. She finally stopped looking paranoid and shaken. She sighed in relief when she saw Dr. Banner waiting at the living room. Steve let her sit down and watched as Dr. Banner checked on her injuries before teaching Steve how to change the wrapping.

Steve took a mental note of everything so he could take care of Nat by himself. Bruce left and Steve walked him out. He came back to carry Natasha to their bedroom.

“Steve, I can walk. You don’t have to carry me around,” she said. “The cut is on my arm.”

He smiled softly, lovingly. “I love carrying you around.”

The blond sat Natasha on the bed before kissing her forehead, inhaling the scent of her hair, letting her know she was safe. His eyes met hers and he couldn’t keep it in anymore.

“I love you,” he said, so genuinely that it was possible to convince everyone. “I love you so much.”

He kissed her again before he went to the bathroom, leaving Natasha shocked at the declaration of love. She never thought the day would come and she did not believe that Steve would actually say those words to her.

The way he said it. It was so honest and his eyes didn’t lie. He meant every word he said.

But why was she finding it a little hard to believe? Maybe because they had hated each other’s guts since they were kids. Now, after a few months together, he said he loved her?

Nat got up from her bed and heading downstairs to think. She need to talk Pepper or Maria.


Steve took a shower, unable to stop himself from smiling after saying those words to her. Those three little words that he couldn’t keep to himself anymore. What had happened had already proved that nothing was perfect and that anything could happen anytime. He had to tell her his feelings before he lost his chance.

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