HDEDI [19]

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Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

Everything between Steve and Natasha went well after they said those three little words to one another. Steve became more affectionate everyday. He always showered her with love and kisses. He came home early every day so he could spend more time with her.

Natasha felt like everything will be fine from now on. The only threat to their relationship was never mentioned again by him so sometime Natasha already forgot that Sharon Carter ever existed.

One day, she left home to spend time with Pepper and Tony. The couple asked her to go shopping with them. Nat told Steve that and he wished she had a great day with her friends before kissing her and saw her off.

They were texting each other all day and Steve always immediately replied her as if he was staring at his phone all the time. He told her everything about his day and that he was looking forward to have dinner with her.

But when she came home, she didn't expect to find Steve in his study with James, Sam, and Matt, arguing about something she didn't expect too.

"I have to advise you that this is not a wise investment." James said. "Please listen to this just once."

"It will take you 10 years to breakeven."

"We should raise the rental price because the cost of renovation and security improvement. You can easily charge them double for this." Matt added.

Steve raised his hand and make everyone stop arguing. "My decision is final. We will not raise the rental price. I can do math, Buck. But if my wife going to spend her time there in those 10 years, it's a logical investment."

Before anyone could say anything, Nat stepped forward. “You brought Darcy’s building?”

Everyone turned their head to look at the redhead who was slightly in shock. For Steve's friends, it was clear now why he made this decision to buy this apartment building in Brooklyn. Why he was in the rush to make this reckless investment. Steve didn't state his reason of why he wanted to buy it at first.

Now it was clear. He did everything for his wife.

Steve got up from his chair and went to his wife. He held her hands. “Yeah, you’re gonna spend time there so I have to make sure that the building is secure enough.”

“Thank you.” That was all she can say.

She wanted to say that it was too much. The things he did for her. He didn't have to do it but he did it anyway. Steve was a changed man and she loved this version of him. She couldn't resist leaning up and kissing him.

"Oh, suddenly it all make sense.” Matt said with a warm smile.

“Love is weird.” Sam added

“It’s weird because it’s Steve.” Bucky told.

Steve pulled away and turned to Matt. "You can do the paperwork now."

The lawyer just nodded and led the other out to give the couple some privacy.


Bucky and Maria had to visit his aunt in Washington for a week and they didn't want baby Kimberly with them. Because, one, Maria hate that side of Bucky's family. Second, her baby didn't need to hear all the family drama or learned curse words from Bucky's cousin. Third, Steve and Natasha were more than happy to babysit little Kimi.

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