HDEDI [14]

433 14 4

Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

It took them three days to recover from their terrible colds. Bruce came to visit them every day to check their symptoms. (Steve didn’t want him there but his wife insisted). The good thing, in spite of their colds, was t hat they got to talk and spent time together.

Things got a bit better between them and once they recovered, Natasha jumped on top of her husband and gave him the best sex he’d had in awhile. Everything seemed to go on rather smoothly for both of them. Steve came home on time, was never late for any appointments he had with her, told her about this day at work, and reported to her every time he needed to go somewhere.

It seemed like he had changed all over again, but Nat didn’t put all her trust in him. She'd learned her lesson, knowing this might just another one of his games.

Even though they hadn’t had sex for two weeks, it was still as fabulous as ever. He got really creative and fucked her with greater fervor than usual, easily making her come as much as four times one night, when she eventually passed out.

She woke up to an empty bed but she heard the sound of the shower running. She stayed still in bed and waited for him to come out. And oh boy! it was a magnificent sight to wait for. He stepped out of the bathroom in only a white towel, water still glistening on his well-toned muscles. And he didn't seem to notice that she was awake.

"Morning, Husband, " she greeted him before stretching herself out like a cat.

Steve turned to face her with a bright smile. "Morning, Duckling.”  He walked toward their bed and kissed her deeply.

Natasha tried to push him away as droplets of water fell on her but Steve was relentless, not stopping until he was satisfied.

"Go away, Steve," she moaned in his mouth.

"Your words want me to go but your body doesn't."

Nat smiled against his lips. "You jerk."

Steve laughed and pulled away before heading to the closet. He dried himself and put on boxers before picking his suit for the day.

"A three-piece suit, please," Nat made a request from her bed.

"Yes, ma'am."

“Do you have anything important to do at work? I kinda want you all to myself today.”

“Aww, I’ve got a meeting with my senior team this afternoon.”

Nat frowned. “Mom’s still avoiding talking to me about working at my parents’ company so I guess I will stay home alone.”

Steve stepped out of the closet, wearing only his suit pants. “You can come work at my company, Darling.”


He walked toward their bed and sat next to her. “I know. But my offer will forever stand. You don’t even have to work with me. I can send you to a department that doesn’t directly answer to me.”

“I appreciate the offer. Thank you.”

Steve leaned in and kissed her. “No need to thank me, love.”

Nat kissed him back and every time Steve kissed her, he lost all control and didn’t care about his meeting or going to work. He needed her. He wanted her. Anything else didn’t matter until his lust for her was satisfied. Steve climbed on top of her.

“I thought you had a company to destroy,” Nat murmured against his lips.

Steve pulled away with a devilish smile, taking the blanket away, revealing her naked body before his eyes. “Destroying other company comes after I ravage my wife.”

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now