HDEDI [12]

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When the plane landed at Laguardia, they were already tired and exhausted. Natasha wanted to try out the riding crop in his plane closet and Steve wasn't one to turn her down from her little experiment.

They went through the customs and immigration process without any trouble and went straight back to their home. Steve ran the water in the bathtub for them to freshen up before going to bed.

He held Natasha in his arms as she leaned her body back against his chest and let his hands roam over her body to clean for her. He snuck a kiss and peppered kisses on her neck, making Natasha melt in his arms even further.

Finally when they were clean, Steve carried her out of the tub and dried them off before taking her to their bed.

"God, I missed my bed" he murmured.

"I missed our home" she said. "Even if Paris is nice and all."

Nat snuggled in his arms and rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Her thumb circled his skin as she tried to ask him something.

“Steve…” she started. “I think we should…”

He kissed her to shut her up. “Whatever trouble you have in mind, Darling, keep it for tomorrow, okay?”

Nat nodded before he put his lips back on hers. It can wait, Nat thought.


It was Sunday morning but Natasha woke up with a sinking feeling, feeling sick to her stomach. Steve was still sleeping soundly next to her and holding her in his arms but it didn't repel the bad feelings she had in her gut away.

Nat flipped to face him and pecked her lips on his before slowly getting out of bed and going into the bathroom, locking herself inside.

Steve woke up when he felt the bed shift, the soft body against him gone. He called out for his wife but she didn't answer. Then he noticed that the bathroom door was closed, so he walked toward it.

“Hey, Darling, you in there?”


“Are you alright?” he asked, a bit worried when he heard her voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I will be out in ten minutes,” she said.

“I will cook something for you, okay?”

He walked into the kitchen and happily prepared breakfast for his wife. Ten minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, wearing only his blue shirt and her lacy underwear. Steve was turned on by the sight of his beautiful wife. He leaned over the kitchen counter to kiss her as she sat down across of him.

“What do you want to eat? We were gone for a week and there wasn't much left in the fridge.”

“Anything you have in the fridge,” she said but her voice still wasn't right and there was something that tugged his feelings.

“Are you alright? You didn't sound right at all,” he asked. “You don't sound right at all.”

Nat frowned at the question. She was trying to form a sentence but Steve insisted that he wouldn't judge her for anything and that she could speak her mind with him.

“I think we need to discuss the terms of our relationship again.”

Steve stopped whatever he was doing and looked her in the eyes. “If that would make you feel better than keeping everything to yourself.”

Steve sat the bowl of pancake mix down and paid his full attention at her.

“Nothing has changed between us. From our original terms. You can hook up with whoever you want, I don't care. I'm not jealous. But our home is off limits. You can't bring them here and no lipsticks or perfume coming back.”

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now