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Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

The wait for her to call was torturous. Steve went home and tried to kill time by calling Sam, Bucky and Matt to join him. They all saw how Steve’s mind clearly wasn’t on himself as he looked at his watch constantly. So, the boys tried to come up with activities to distract the worried fiancé.

“If you’re worried about her, just go pick her up!” Sam shouted at Steve. “There’s no need to mope around like this and ruin a good time for everyone else.”

“Bro, she’s with Maria and Pepper. She will be fine.”

“I think she can handle herself, Steve."

The man sighed and finally sat down on the couch to play poker with his friends. Just as he finally relaxed, the phone rang. He jumped off his chair to answer it.

"Hey, what's up, Maria?"

"You need to come down here and pick your fiancee up. The party's over."

"Why do I have a feeling that something happened with Duckling?"

"Um, nothing happened. She's fine." Maria kept assuring him. "And bring your car around the back. There's hoards of paparazzi waiting up front."

"Okay, I will be there in ten minutes." Steve hung up and turned to his friends. "Okay, you guys need to go home now. My wife will be home soon."

"She's not your wife yet," Bucky said.

"I'm practicing!"

Steve stomped off, calling Gabe to bring the car around. When he arrived at the spot, he called Maria to bring Nat out. Steve was freaking out when he saw Natasha's current state. She was so totally drunk that could barely stand, with Maria and Pepper supporting her. She was wearing a Catholic schoolgirl outfit, enough to both set his blood on fire and make him hard. 

He took her in his arms and carried her toward the limo. “This is so opposite of ‘she’s fine.’ She’s not fine! She’s drunk,” he yelled at the girls.

“Stop freaking out, Rogers.” Maria shushed him.

“She's drunk her ass off, Maria!"

"Just take her home," Maria cut Steve short. "In my defense, she said she's Russian and can hold her liquor."

"Urgh, I'm not leaving her alone with you again."

"Worried much?"

"Not even close."

Maria knew he was lying but she didn't want to spook him. She let him continue lying to himself but everyone with eyes could see that he was worry about Natasha. She watched as the two of them got inside the car and drove away.

Inside the limo, Steve had Natasha climbing all over him, her lips was everywhere on his face and her hands rubbing all over his body.

"Nat, stay still. You're drunk."

Nat smiled loopy, and straddled him. "Daddy, I've been a bad, bad girl." She purred in his ear and nibbled his earlobe.

Oh shit! Steve groaned and blood shot straight to his groin. Natasha was rubbing her heated center at his crotch, feeling his erection.

"Daddy, I've been naughty and let other guys touch me."  She kept going on about how bad she was. Steve tried to restrain himself but the last time she purred the word "Daddy..." in his ear, he threw all the control out the window, sliding his hand in her hair and pulling her hair back.

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now