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Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

Natasha could tell that Steve was a bit cranky all the time. She understood the reason for it because she was experiencing the same thing. Their family’s outdated traditions and the sudden sex withdrawal were driving them mad. It was so sudden that their need for each other hadn’t had time to adjust.

Steve missed having her in his arms and Nat missed being held by him.

Or this was their parents' plan? To have them tortured like this so they would want more of each other?

Whatever the reason, it was working. Steve was ready to pull Natasha into a nearby bush and fuck it out his system. Every time they tried, someone interrupted, accidentally or not. Steve was frustrated. The struggle was real.

There was one time when they finally got the chance to be alone, they were in the barn. They picked out the most secluded place for this rendezvous. Steve finally got a chance to take off her clothes and touch her body for the first time in many days. He pushed her down on the hay stack.

He got himself between her legs, kissing her deeply.

"Steve! Are you in there?" Sarah's voice could be heard from outside of the barn. "The rehearsal will start in two hours! Where are you and Natasha?"

Steve groaned but pulled away from his fiancee. "I have half a mind to ditch this rehearsal."

"You know we can't and we can't let them find us like this."

Steve sighed. "This is the worst tradition ever."

"I don't want this either. But my mom and dad are pretty serious about it."

He kissed her again before helping Natasha dress up and adjust everything so that no one would get suspicious. They stepped out of the barn, acting as normal as they could. Sarah stood there with a knowing smile on her face.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sarah asked, even she knew the answer.

“We need some time alone,” Steve replied. He was not trying to hide anything.

“Well, I won’t tell anyone. Even Ivan said it’s against tradition.”

“Fuck that stupid tradition, Mom.”

“Steven, I did not raise you to be a potty mouth.”

“Sorry, Mother.”

“Run along, you two still have to prepare for the rehearsal.”

They nodded before walking toward the house hand-in-hand. Sarah couldn’t help but smile to see the kids getting along and Steve finally letting Natasha in and letting go of his hatred for her. She still could remember the times when he picked on her everyday or how he treated her when they were younger, so badly that Sarah and Joseph had to be the ones to put out the metaphorical fire.

That was history now.

Steve dropped Natasha off at the main house with a long, deep kiss before he went to his room to get ready. If getting ready only meant putting on a nice suit and getting to the ceremony on time then he did an excellent job. He hadn’t yet written his vows and he thought he might have lost the wedding ring. He didn’t even remember what to say during the wedding. He didn’t even remember the sequence of the ceremony.

Calm the fuck down, Rogers. Steve scolded himself. He shouldn’t have jitters this early because it wasn’t even an actual wedding. Why would he care anyway?

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now