HDEDI [17]

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Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

The couple got an invitation to Tony’s Halloween party at Stark Tower, which Steve almost declined but Nat stopped him just in time. Of course, he whined like a little baby because he didn’t want her to go to the party wearing a flimsy outfit and “showing off her goodies” to anyone else.

“You’re being an idiot,” Nat shushed him before she hit the reply button, saying that they would go to the party.

“Promise me you will not wear anything revealing, okay?”

“But I wanted to wear a Wonder Woman costume!”

“No, you’re going as a nun and not revealing one inch of your skin,” he said.

“It’s the only day we can wear slutty clothes without someone shaming us.”

Steve sighed as she looked at him with big green eyes that he couldn’t resist.

“Fine. Just don’t reveal too much.”

“Okay. I got an idea. Why don’t we go as a gladiator and a Roman noblewoman?”

“Yeah, that would fulfill another fantasy of mine,” He admitted with a smile and was met by a soft punch from Natasha. “Maybe you could dress as a Roman Empress.”

“Oh my fucking god! You two are kinkier than I thought.”

The couple turned to see Sam walked into the living room. Bucky and Maria followed behind with Baby Kimberly.

“Why are you guys here?” Steve asked. “I don’t remember inviting any of you over.”

“Well, we figured you have plenty of food for all of us. And little Kimberly needs someone to babysit her today because it’s her nanny’s day off.”

Nat smiled when she heard that and rushed to take the baby from her mother. “I volunteer as tribute,” she said. “Aunty Nat will spoil you rotten! We’ll go shopping today.”

“Just make sure you bring Dum Dum and Danny with you, okay?” Steve said.


Bucky, Sam, and Maria watched as Steve and Nat bickered back and forth. Whatever Natasha said, Steve was powerless to resist, as if he didn’t have the mind to fight her. He was okay with everything she said in the end. It was a change everyone clearly noticed.

They also noticed how Steve always wanted to be next to her, to be close to her, touching her or just brushing his fingers over her as if this was enough to calm him, to ground him.

No one else had that effect on Steve Rogers.


Natasha was in charge of finding costumes for them. And this was a chance for her to prank Steve. Well, not exactly prank him, but she wanted him to show off those muscles so that everyone would be jealous of her for having Steve all to herself.

She knew she was a bitch. But her man was that gorgeous.

She finally found the perfect costumes and when Steve came home for the fitting, he was a bit shocked when he saw what she had for him.

He wasn’t quite sure what to say. “Are you sure?” he asked dumbly.

“Yes, I’m sure. And everyone will agree.”

Steve shook his head. “I don’t know Nat. It’s very revealing.”

Steve was looking at his gladiator costume. It was nice and very detailed but it was too revealing, especially the crotch area, which seemed like just a piece of underwear. He noticed that it was like an outfit that Spartacus wore on TV.

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