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Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

Bucky and Sam came to Steve's house to get ready for the party of Boris Kuester von Jurgens-Ratenicz, a wealthy German duke and a powerful business man. It was a party that everyone was looking forward too.

The boys didn't have much to prepare except for picking out their tuxedo s and doing their hair. Steve got a chance to tell Bucky and Sam what had happen ed, (which Bucky met with a snort and Sam remind ed that Steve he hated Natasha.)

Steve urged them to look out for him and interrupted him and Natasha if thing s got heated between them. His two friends agreed even though they both knew nothing c ould stop Steve from getting what he wanted, especially if it meant having sex with someone.

The boys finished up and headed downstairs to wait for the girls, joining their parents who sat chatting in the living room.

Maria joined them a moment later, leaving her baby girl with the nanny Sarah had hired so that she and Bucky could have fun.

Suddenly the whole room went quiet. Steve, not noticing what was going on, continued telling everyone how he'd won a poker game the last time he visited Atlantic City. Bucky and Sam had to nudge on Steve's side and signal him to turn around. He turned his head and saw someone that made his heart pound and made him forgot how to breathe. He stood up and stood still as he kept his eyes on her.

She was wearing a strapless burgundy evening gown that hugg ed every curve of her body. A dress that perfectly fit with the jewelry collection he 'd g iven her. Steve took a sharp breath when he saw her long leg appearing from the long slit along the side..

His Ugly Duckling had suddenly turned into a swan. And before Steve could stop himself, his gentle smile widened and blue eyes was warm as he watched her walk down the stairs .

The warm and fuzzy feelings about his duckling started to creep their way into his heart.

His smile was gone when he realized what he was thinking and covered up everything with a devilish smile.


Nat wasn't sure that she had pick ed the right dress. She had been turning around in front of the mirror for the hundred th time. Maria had already finished with everything and claimed that a married woman didn't need to dress up so nice , no longer needing to impress anyone. With encouragement from her stylist and her team, Natasha finally had enough confidence to get out of her room and join the rest of her family downstairs.

Natasha was walking down the stairs when she r ealized that everyone was looking at her. Then she saw Steve, standing still and eyes on her. His burning gaze followed her with every step until she came close enough and saw him smil ing gently at her. A smile that melt ed her knees into jello.

Nat tried to avoid him but Steve came to stand next to her and wrap his arm around her waist. She sighed in annoyance but went with him anyway. The parents and her friends stood in half circle as they watched the couple with each other.

"You two are so perfect for each other , " Aliana squealed with pure jo y .

"Mom, don't push it , " Nat groaned.

"But we really are perfect for each other, S weetie." Steve said.

"No, not you too."

"Come on, we have a party to go and a fiance act to play."

Four Bentleys were waiting for them. Sarah and Joseph got in the first car, followed by Aliana and Ivan i n the second car. Steve opened the door for his fiance who was looking at Sam for help. Sam just smiled and shrugged his shoulders before getting into the fourth car with Bucky and Maria.

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