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- 7 years later -

Natasha's POV

Times flies by so quickly. Its been several years since Steve and I got re-married. We have faced many challenges, but we never let any obstacles defeat our relationship.

I love Steve with all my heart, but he's always absent. Maybe he's busy? Perhaps he's preoccupied with our business.

I understand why he's always away, but I can't help but notice the person I've met who became my business partner with my own venture.

He's handsome, simple, and kind. He's quite similar to Steve, with only slight differences, which makes it easy for me to connect with him.

He's there for me when I need him, never leaving me alone during times when I'm scared. He's the only one consistently on my side, which makes me wonder if...am I doing everything right?

Over a year has passed, and he started pursuing me. I don't know why I agreed, my heart feels happy, but at the same time, I'm consumed by guilt because I know I have a husband.

The name of my pursuer is James. He's the only person who has been consistently there, and I know he would never hurt me. I'm happy with James, but I can't erase from my mind the fact that...I cheated on Steve.

That's why today I bought flowers. I wanted to tell Steve everything that has been happening and how I cheated on him. I hope Steve can forgive me for all the mistakes I've made.

So, I quickly drove to Steve's location, hoping he would appreciate the flowers I brought.

Upon arriving at Steve's place, I got out of the car... Until I saw his name.

Steven Grant Rogers

"How are you my love?" I said.

I placed the flowers on his grave and lit a candle. I sat down on the grass.

I couldn't help but cry over everything that happened. Yes, Steve died because of a car accident.

I am happy with James, but I still loved Steve.

If I ask you...

Am I cheating?


I woke up to Steve hitting my arms.

"Love, you were having a nightmare!" he said. I opened my eyes, tears streaming down my face. What just happened?

I sat up and looked at Steve beside me. I touched him to make sure he was real.

"What are you doing, love?" he asked.

"I need to check if you're really alive," I said.

"But of course, I am alive. It was just a bad dream," he replied.

"That dream was so strange and real. It scared me. I don't even want to go back to sleep," I said.

I hated that dream more than anything.

"What was your dream about?" he asked.

I told Steve about my dream, where he died and someone named James was pursuing me.

"That dream is really weird, love. So now our son is trying to win you over?" he chuckled.

"Don't worry, love. I'm here, alive and healthy. Plus, we always make sure to have regular check-ups with our doctor. It was just a nightmare, nothing more," he reassured me, wiping away my tears.

"You're not going to leave me, right?" I asked.

"We already have our two wedding rings. Do you want more?" he laughed.

"Okay, let's forget about it. I actually prepared dinner for us. James is already in the kitchen, waiting for us. He wants us all to eat together," he said.

I smiled at Steve, and he helped me get up. In the kitchen, James hugged me tightly.

"Mommy! I missed you," he said.

"I just took a nap, sweetheart. Daddy prepared dinner. What did he cook?" I asked. I knew when Steve was in a good mood, he would make hotdogs, which James loved.

"Hotdogs, mommy! But don't worry, Daddy also made something for you," James replied, handing me a plate with rice, bacon, ham, hotdogs, and fried chicken. Steve did her best to make a special dinner for me.

"Thank you, love. I love you," I said.

"And I only get hotdogs?" James pouted.

We all laughed, and Steve quickly placed all the food on the table.

We enjoyed our meal together.

After eating, our parents arrived with toys for James. They always spoiled him with gifts.

"You'll have to tidy up more toys, Steve," I told him.

"Oh, come on. James already has plenty of toys," Steve replied.

"It's okay, Daddy. I'm happy with the toys. They're not wasted, right, Grandma and Grandpa?" James chimed in.

"Let it go. Let's just eat." I said.

We had a pleasant time chatting and eating.

As I looked at Steve and James, I realized how settled and content our lives had become. We faced challenges, but we overcame them together. Our family was complete, and happiness filled our days.

Steve and I cherished our time together, making memories and traveling as a family. Steve's constant love and humor never failed to brighten my days.

Life had its ups and downs, but we did it. We created a beautiful life together, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

And that's the story of our life. Until we meet again, goodbye.

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