HDEDI [16]

497 13 4

Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

Steve woke up and found Natasha sleeping soundly in his arms. He couldn’t stop looking at her serene face. He couldn’t thank god enough that she’d come back to him. He would do the right thing now that she’d given him another chance.

His fingers gently traced her cheekbone and jaw, trying to remember everything about her. How soft her skin was or how sweet her scent was. God, he couldn’t get enough of her. Steve was sure that he was starting to have feelings for her.

It was something that he was trying to avoid and he had been in denial for so long. He was afraid that it might ruin his reputation but in the end, it was all just a childish game. Now he had to man up and admit his feelings. He loved having her around in his life. She was like sunshine.

Nothing could go wrong when Natasha was beside him.

Steve pressed a light kiss on her forehead before pulling away from her to get out of bed. He was planning to make her breakfast in bed but someone decided to call him early in the morning. It was no one but his best friend.

“Better be good, James,” Steve warned.

“Yeah, are you going to come in today?” Bucky asked. “We have a lot to discuss.”

“Can it wait? Is it urgent?”

“That’s why I called you, damn it.”

“Can I do a video conference? I’m planning to spend the day with my wife.”

"She's back."

"Yeah. Last night. She's sleeping now."

"Video conference would be fine."

"Thank you," Steve said. "I will join the conference in five minutes."

Steve hung up and changed into his shirt and pants, looking decent enough to chat with his team. He sat at the end of the bed, finding the angle that didn't show his wife before putting on his headphones.

“Yeah, I’m ready now,” he said to Bucky who was on the screen.

Bucky turned the camera to his senior partners who were sitting in the conference room. They had started discussing a the hotel investment in Thailand, Myanmar and Laos and the growing of South East Asia market. The partners agreed that they were ready to set foot there and set up regional headquarters in Singapore.

Steve agreed that they should expand. He appointed Shang-Chi to be the regional manager and fully authorized him to hire the team he needed, and they set to make their first purchase within a month. They all agreed that they could exploit the increasing camping trend and the newly opened countries like Myanmar who needed more investors.

The conference went on and Steve didn’t notice when his wife began to stir. As the meeting ended and everyone left the room, Natasha crawled her way toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

“Morning, Husband,” she greeted.

“Morning, Love…but…umm, I’m video conferencing with James and Sam right now,” Steve said.

Nat suddenly became fully awake, noticing her friends on the screen, both of them covering their eyes.

“Shit…I’m sorry.”

“Hi, Nat,” Sam and Bucky greeted, their hands not moving away from their eyes.

“I will let you guys talk. Imma go back to sleep.”

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now