HDEDI [15]

409 14 7

Smut ahead, proceed
with caution

Aliana was waiting for Natasha at La Guardia. She made sure to send the best bodyguards to pick up Natasha in case anything happened. She was worried when she got a phone call from her daughter, saying she wanted to run away from her husband.

To be honest, she’d thought of the worst already, that Steve might physically hurt Natasha.

The guys that she sent to pick Nat up were ex-KGB and very talented killers, if it came to that. They also made sure that Natasha wasn’t followed by one of Steve’s men.

It was such a relief to see Natasha without any sign of harm.

“Darling, is everything okay?” Aliana asked when Nat stepped out of the limo.

“Yeah, Mom. I’m fine.”

“Then why do you have to leave your husband?”
“Steve and I needed a time out to think things through. It’s not a big problem but we needed time alone.”

“You’ve got to tell me everything.”

“We will talk on the plane.”

Vasily, her mother’s personal bodyguard, took Nat’s luggage. The two Romanovs boarded the plane and once it was in the air and the flight attendant had left them alone, Natasha started telling her mom everything. What had happened the night before and the way Steve was acting toward her, how possessive he was and how it had started to be a bit too much for her. So much that Natasha felt like they needed some space.

Aliana was relieved when she heard what had happened between Natasha and her husband. Relieved because at least Steve hadn’t hit her or anything. And she agreed with her daughter. They needed some time away from each other in order to rethink everything. Steve needed to find a way to manage his jealousy before it got any more out of hand and ended up hurting both of them. Nat needed to think about whether or not she still wanted in on this marriage and how she would handle Steve in either case.

It was new territory for both of them as neither had ever experienced this kind of relationship before.

“Darling, it all will be sorted out. You just have to take time, relax and enjoy this trip to your grandmother’s,” Aliana said. “She told us to meet her at our family estate outside Moscow.”

“I used to love that place,” Nat smiled fondly. “We used to spend every winter there.”

“And you will love it again, Darling.”


Steve woke up with a massive hangover. He didn’t even want to open his eyes. Ugh, he shouldn’t have had so much to drink the night before. Except that if he didn’t, his mind would go crazy. He slowly rolled over to the side and tried to reach for his wife.

“Nat…” He called for her but there was no reply and his hand couldn’t find her next to him.

That was enough to wake him up and he snapped his eyes open to see that the place next to him was empty and cold, as if she’d been awake up for a long time. He looked at his clock.  It was already 11 AM.

“Natasha!” he shouted, hoping that she would reply.

No answer. He got up and went to the bathroom, hoping to find his wife but she wasn’t there. Steve’s mind went on overdrive, thinking of the worst scenario. Where the hell was she?

𝐻𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝑂𝐸𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝐸𝑆𝐶𝑅𝐼𝐵𝐸 𝐼𝑇 ❻Where stories live. Discover now