3: A Silent Plead

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In this empty space ,
I feel so alone
My body's worn out ,
Each days a torture
Nothing seems right ,
It just became worse
I feel like a mess ,
I failed on an epic scale
With no one to turn to ,
It's just so hopeless
I silently cried ,
And no one will know
The time that goes by ,
My loneliness so painful
To cover this scars ,
I tried to put a mask
A fake smile of bitterness ,
To keep my sanity still
Stupid facades became a habit ,
I'm slowly used to this suffering!
And just because I'm smiling ,
Doesn't mean it's alright
Just because I'm not saying ,
Doesn't mean I don't mind
This life is excruciating ,
Feels like life's cheating on me
What's the point of living? ,
When my life's a train wreck!
Is it too late now? ,
To escape the gloomy nights
The anguish and hatred ,
Breeds demons inside
I'm hanging barely sane ,
My sanity is fading
I'm afraid of my own self ,
I might lose my mind
I needed help so badly ,
But they can't understand
In this lowest times ,
I needed some amity
To save me from myself ,
Away from this unfairness
But I still have hope ,
A glimmer of light I glimpsed
From this darkest tunnel ,
A way out is possible still
I pray to God now ,
Give me the strength I need
A little bit of understanding ,
That's all I ever wanted
I hope time will heal me ,
And take out this chains away
As long as I have them ,
My constant support system ---
My family and friends
It may not be easy ,
So bare with me please
I hope it's not too late though ,
To keep things straight
This is my silent plead ,
For as long as current still
Streams down the river
And a rainbow still appears
After the blazing storm ;
I'll be fine someday!..

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 07/08/23

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