86: Nonchalant

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It whispers silent screams ,
Along the wind
Below the ears
Only the deaf can hear
And the blind can see
What he says or
What she means
Are not always same
Or so it seems!
Too less attentive
Too chill to mess with
Too shy to let things
Too carefree as always
It's as if they don't care
Or so it seems?
Like a bamboo tree silently ,
Swiftly hanging around
Like a bees stuck in the honey
They're always there
Yet you can't just find
The clarity within the unfazed
The meaning behind
The few blunt words
Is he for real?
Or just messing around!
Oh!.. why am I bothered?
When they are unbothered
Oh!.. why am I annoyed?
From the gestures ,
From the uneasiness ,
From the coolness of the vibes ,
Like a leaf under the sun 
Or the chilling breeze as it rains
Amidst the heat I am feeling ,
In this hellish summer as I murmurs
This nonchalant soul within me..
Is like a breath of fresh air!

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 05/06/24

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