94: Tulips & Daffodils

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Bleeding self from chasing ,
Sweats and tears keeps falling
Amidst this tiring awful world ,
You keep on slowly climbing
The slippery floors of utter struggles.

Countless painful steps ahead ,
And unfair scenes you've faced
Makes you weak and doubt yourself
Yet you got up from rock-bottom
Those failures were valuable phase.

How strong can you be?
Why are you still standing?
I've seen how you suffered
I've seen your dire reality ,
Yet you're still annoyingly optimistic!

Like a sturdy bamboo tree
You're damned versatile
Like tulips and daffodils
You're nothing but a feisty one ,
Full of hope and dreams upon.

Your eyes shows sadness
The scars makes you beautiful
A ray of sunlight I needed
The shadows still creeps though ,
The hollows still looms but..

— Fear doesn't scare me no more!

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 06/20/24

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