13: Out of Words (A Writer's Slump!)

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I'm stuck and desperate ,

For ideas to come gushing out

To be poured within my tired brain ,

Though , can't even wrote the title page

I'm like a dried well ,

I'm losing my focus , I guess.

My seemingly limited vocabulary ,

Is now in pending danger

I tried to imagine and imagine ,

Until my head explodes

But to no avail ,

I can't find an inspiration

My wrinkles are showing already ,

From stress that's overdue.

And I'm still at page none ,

None to say the worst

The words won't really come out ,

Even though my pen finely works

So many traces of crumpled papers ,

It's a mess on the floor

So many cup of coffees ,

I've already burned from all-nighters.

Time checked , I'm still in my room ,

Still out of words

I've read a dozen books already ,

I've watched a dozen movies ,

I've even tried to meditate ,

Just to calmed my nerves.

I guess... I'm in a slump ,

I hate to admit it

I knew it from the start ,

But my pride won't accept it

My pen is okay ,

The paper is okay

But my hands are a bit uneasy ,

My eyes are becoming weary

It's not because of anyone ,

I'm just having a bad day ..

I suppose.

I need my writings back as soon as possible ,

So I need to take a step back

Take a deep breath ,

And start from the scratch

A writer's block , they say

I guess that's it

It's getting dusty in here ,

I've holed up for too long

I need a rest so badly ,

I owed it to myself

I need to go out for a while ,

Breath life again...

Then write again...

As always!

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 07/20/23

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