23: Apathetic

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I know someone
Far from being normal
Not your ordinary one
But he's still human ,
At the most , he is still!

He's not psychopath
Nor a sociopath
He shows too little to none
From emotions , interest , or feelings
But he does have a heart!

As he grows up
He found himself trapped
In a world of overly affected people
He's one of the few exceptions ,
He doesn't care about the dramas!

But he's not a bad person
He's just often misunderstood
His way of appreciation ,
Is like a cryptic message or a puzzle
It takes time to decode!

The world he sees
Is far from your beautifully perfect concept of it
He may seem the " doesn't care at all " type
But he's actually good at observing ,
He sees more than the eyes can reached!

Some may find him scary , or weird or nothing ,
But he's not that dense
He's actually very sensible
He knows the negatives
He knew what's going on in his surroundings!

He may be peculiar , or eccentric or hard to deal with
But he views things deeper
He dives beyond human comprehension
He tackles his inner demons everytime ,
But he still has his humanity , he does!

What he is , is not a curse ... he's actually cool
As long as he's still sane
Apathy is not a bad thing
I'll be willing to be his friend ,
Even if he's badass , even if he's
" apathetic! "

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 09/24/23

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