I plead sanity
Towards the path
Far from normality
I am still me.
My case is still impending
The curtains is still on
My fleeting soul
May fade away from life
But the show must go on
So is life!
Failure is imminent
But goodbyes are not forever
My words may be silenced
But my passion screams
And my inhibition
Carved in the deepest realm of me
Only I can burden
Unless someone noticed me
My existence will be proven
Life may be short
But I am eternal!
I may be scarred
But not my vanity
Not my belief , or my determination
I'll remain firm
Some failures are inevitable
But I'll remain resolute
Despite the adversities.
As I cried a river
It will run through it
To the people to whom I owe
My earnest gratitude for all of you
The battle is still on
It will be my legacy
As I climb the ladder to success
The wounds of unfairness
May strike and bring me down
But I will stand up
Fight for what's right
My dream is also as significant
As others deserved to dream.
Can't you see?
The atrocity of the world
May deprived you
But not all is lost
Your heart still beats
Your body still belongs to you
And the harmony of the unheard
Belts through the ears of the mute
God will provide us
As long as we do our work
Your efforts will not be in vain
Someone can see us
Someone can hear us
Don't give up
As hard as it can be
Just be resilient
I'll be resilient ;
So do you!
Just like a steady bamboo tree
Swinging swiftly through the winds
Just like life
Learn , adapt , and change
For better or for worse
It's up to you , my friend
As losers like us
Have dignity too
Pride may not be enough
But we're not chained
We can fly also
Fail as much as you can avoid
As long as you remain strong
Keep the faith!
As I'll remain strong
Despite the numbness
Of countless petty humiliation
It's not an ennobling experience
But a humbling journey
The end is still far
The top is up for grabs
But someday ...
I , you , we too
Can smile and laugh truly
And tears of joy
Showers you with abundance of good fate
Our prayers will reach them
Our hard work will pay off
Keep your head high up
It's not bad to be weak
But staying weak is.
Until the next time
Change for the better
Be it for yourself or for others
Then it will come
It will be my turn on that chair
Where do we go to...
--- To a better tomorrow
As the hum of the fallen
Let it be heard!..~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 08/30/23
thousand words (random poetries!)
Poetryout of sights , out of emotions.. onto life , onto people.. piece of randoms , written freeverse ; - poems that speaks volumes!..