18: Once Again

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I've counted once , twice

--- or maybe more

In the midst of my disdain ,

I seek nothing but answers

As my mind is clouded by doubts ,

And my judgement's impaired

Through all of this predicament ,

I've found solace!

This is my retribution ,

A long standing one

The road to redemption ,

Is not easy but bearable

Till the day the sun rises again ,

I'll keep my sanity

From the pending battles that looms ,

I knew I'm not alone.

I haven't and never alone ,

I was scarred and changed

But they do understand ,

My family , friends and others

I tried to push them back ,

But they never let go

They never leave my side ,

It was annoying and tiring

But I've felt reassured

I felt comfort!

Since that day ,

I was no more than I was before

I fell so deep ,

The ladder seems tough to climb

But I learned a lesson ,

A life changing one

" It's not how you fall down ,

It's how you stand up "...

---- once again!

That period of my life was a dark one ,

It's as if I was in a tunnel

Nothing but darkness ,

Alone and lost

But at the end of that tunnel ,

I've seen hope

A glimmer of light ,

That I can cling to

I've seen things ,

Things only those who

Are stripped away of their own existence

I've found reality ,

I've found salvation

I've found real friends ,

I've open new doors

I've failed ,

But I was freed!

I saw a silver lining ,

An alternative that's fated

At least I'm still alive ,

I can start over again!

Now... As I wake up each day ,

I'm thankful and all

Not a means of necessity ,

But a gratitude of a lifetime

" He " is the greatest of all ,

" He " never led me astray

And to the next chapters that awaits ,

I'll keep my faith in check

And walk towards tomorrow...

— Once Again!

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 08/11/23

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