72: Alone Again (A Broken Hearted Poem!)

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This empty room felt hellish ,
In this four corners lies my utter sadness
Silent tears that doesn't fall ,
Only bitter screams I've felt.

The wind sends chills that breaks me ,
Each time I reminded of the lost times
The past that torments this brokened soul ,
Each night feels like bits of torture!

The promises we've made together before ,
Became useless longing that's painful
You said it's gonna last forever ,
Yet you left me hanging in despair!

The things we did together became my saddest ,
The places we've been to became my worst
The times you held me in your embrace ,
Every traces of you is what I need to let go!

Like a leaf that withers ,
So is my weary heart
Like a sad lullaby that hurts ,
So is my wounded heart ;

Broken by you ,
Barely alive ,
Alone again!..

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 03/26/24


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