92: Desolation

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He idly sat beneath
This pale moonlight
Along the lonely shores
Of this empty beaches
Like a melody of
Lonely night skies
His utter painful lies
Shows so obviously
Through his weary eyes ,
And his heavy sighs!

I see no grief
I hear no sorrow
Only reminiscence
Of regretful yester pasts
Like a wounded soldier
His body's aching
His heart is shaken
From unfair games
From menace changes ,
His soul is battle driven!

Yet he shows no tears
No screams I'm hearing
The scars are proven
The pain is hidden
It's tough to see him
With smiles that's hurting
The crickets humming
Lonely melodies hymns
And utter chilling breeze ,
That's awfully annoying!

Like a withered leaf
His back looks saddened
Like a broken soul
So is his gloomy reflection
In this shattered mirrors
Filled with utter frustrations
His days were grueling
From running in full circles
His shadow looms still ,
Around in desolation...

— It's not a bad life , it's just a bad day!

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 06/01/24

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