1 - hueningkai

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it's short, i know. but again, i'm trying something new. i wanna see how writing short povs plays out. might change the writing style for this story later, but enjoy it.

that's when i saw her. the most beautiful girl i had ever seen. i stopped in my tracks, nearly losing my balance. i tapped soobin on the shoulder aggressively.

"dude, who is that??" i titled my head towards the girl.

soobin was about to answer, but yeonjun cut him off.

yeonjun:"my sister. she used to go to a private school, but she had decided it was too much pressure and transferred here. her name's y/n. y/n choi." he explained, looking at soobin knowingly.

i sighed. i had to push away the feeling of adrenaline i'd just gotten. yeonjun's sister. obviously off limits. i ducked in to my next class in disappointment.

to make things 10 times worse, y/n was in my math class. the only open seat was next to her. i sat down quietly, hoping the teacher wouldn't notice. not only have i been late 4 times to this class in the past week, i'm failing this class.

the teacher looked up and sighed.

teacher:"late again i see, hueningkai. don't let your grade slip more than it has."

y/n looked up at me.

y/n: "i could tutor you, if you'd like." she remarked kindly.

i scoffed in disgust. this girl thought i was so pathetic that i needed a tutor. i could teach myself math. how hard can it be?? i shook my head.

y/n:"here. take my number, incase you ever change your mind."

she took my hand, writing her number in my palm. damn. that was kinda hot. she gave me her number like she was giving away a piece of plastic. i shook my head rapidly, trying to shake off the feelings i suddenly had for y/n.

"yeonjun's sister. off limits. control yourself, kai."

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