16 - taehyun

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i looked over at kai screaming and crying. i got out of the pool and went over to him.

"what's wrong kai??" i asked gently. he got up and pushed me hard into the pool. he stormed off into his house. i came up, dusting off and gasping for breath.

"hey!! what was that for!! i screamed into the open back door."

kai just smashed an egg on the floor. y/n coughed and ran inside. i could hear her screaming at kai for acting so foolish. but then, she stopped screaming. she suddenly hugged him and sat down. he was breaking down in tears.

none of us had any idea what was wrong. everyone exchanged worried looks.

yeonjun:"okay, lovebirds. what's going on in there??" he yelled.

y/n walked out. she sighed.

y/n:"hueningkai's upset with you, taehyun."

"me?? why m- i'm going in there." i got up and walked in.

as soon as i stepped foot into the house, hueningkai took three threatening steps towards me.

kai:"i'm only gonna say this once. get out of my house. now."

"but i didn't-"

he covered my mouth and pointed to the door. i went outside.

"he wants me to leave."

beomgyu whined.

beomgyu:"whyyy hyung you did nothingggg" i shrugged.

y/n:"he wouldn't tell me why either. i couldn't get it out of him. he kept telling me no." y/n paced back and forth on the concrete.

yeonjun:"i know exactly why." he looked at the ground. everyone turned to look at him.

"tell us!!" i said eagerly. yeonjun shook his head.

yeonjun:"it's between me and him. i shouldn't-" before he could finish, y/n walked over to him and flicked him on the forehead.

y/n:"come on, just tell us, you dingbat."

yeonjun stayed silent. soon enough, hueningkai came out, grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me aside from the rest of the group, pointing at the black eye i'd gotten falling a couple days ago.

kai:"want a matching black eye??" he clenched his fist. my eyes widened. i grabbed his fist and pushed it away from my face.

"slow down. i did nothing!!"

kai:"okay you might not know how but you're ruining my life." he stated.

"how is that??"

kai:"my heart. it hurts. like i'll get a tingling sensation in my chest and then it turns into aching and burning."

"well that isn't my fault. do you need to go back to the hospital because i can gladly take you."

kai:"you don't understand. it is your fault. it very much is." he walked away and over to y/n. he whispered something in her ear. she walked over to me.

y/n stood on her tiptoes so she could reach my ear.

y/n:"taehyun, kai wanted me to tell you that he doesn't want you here ever again. like ever."

my jaw dropped.


y/n grabbed my hands and squeezed them tightly.

y/n:"taehyun just listen. you may not have intended to make him feel like shit and hurt him but you did and he's really really upset with you and you don't wanna deal with angry kai i know you don't. so please, just listen, this once??" she said sharply.

"but.. ever again?? that's a little over the top."

y/n laughed a little and shook her head.

y/n:"oh, you know hueningkai, he'll give that up in less than a week." she scoffed and kissed me on the cheek. i heard hueningkai let out a squeak.

she's right. i nodded and grabbed my stuff. kai looked flabbergasted.

kai:"where are you-"

"i'm leaving. just like you wanted!! bye!!" i exited through the fence and set on my way home.

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