19 - y/n

48 3 0

i watched in shock and disbelief as kai planted a kiss on my lips. i stuttered and wiped it off.

"kai i just rejected you!! what do you not understand about i'm not ready!!" i yelled in disgust.

i stormed upstairs. as soon as i got up there i remembered that this wasn't my home. it was only where i stayed. and if i got into another fight with kai, he'd probably kick me out. i took a deep breath and walked back down calmly.

the five guys stared at me as i casually went to the kitchen to grab water as if nothing happened. i heard their whispers.

i just grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it. i threw it away and sat down in silence.

hueningkai broke the silence.

kai:"i-i think.. you guys should go home." he stuttered.

the guys said nothing. they just nodded and practically sprinted out of there.

i just sat in the middle of the room, with hueningkai staring at me in disbelief.

"i'm bored. i'm going upstairs."

i got up and walked towards the stairs. suddenly, i felt a cold hand firmly grab my wrist.


i turned around and looked at him in disgust.

"get off of me!!" i managed to say. i pryed his fingers off me and ran upstairs, locking myself in the bathroom.

i breathed shakily. did that just happen?? what did i just do?? i just rejected the guy i've liked since the moment he let me stay with him. what's wrong with me?

okay, maybe i do know the reason.

nobody but yeonjun knows, but i recently got out of an abusive relationship, and that's the reason why i really transferred here. i was bored of private school, but that was only part of the reason.

i guess i'm just not ready to be in a relationship till i feel safe. but i haven't communicated that to kai or taehyun. they must be so confused. i really screwed this one up.

hueningkai banged on the door.

kai:"y/n, open up!!"

i held my breath. he banged again.

kai:"y/n, tell me what's going on!!!"

i finally unlocked and opened the door.

kai:"i thought you were dead in there!! are you okay?" he looked into my eyes with that sweet smile of his. i suddenly broke down into tears. he held me in his arms.

"i-i'm so sorry!! i didn't wanna hurt you!! i can explain!!" i exclaimed through tears.

hueningkai:"you don't need to. i understand if you want someone better." he let go of me, letting me fall to the ground.

he went into his room and locked me out. i just laid on the floor sobbing loudly.

hiyyih came out.

hiyyih:"y/n what's going on? where's kai?" i didn't answer. i just grabbed my phone and ran downstairs and out the door. tears ran down my face as i tried to catch up to yeonjun's car.

"WAITT!!" i screamed, panting.

suddenly, the car came to a stop. i sighed in relief and ran up to it.

i got in. everyone questioned me in shock.

"take me home. just take me home!!" i sobbed.

yeonjun quickly pressed the gas and drove home. taehyun was next to me. he wrapped his arms around me. i calmed down, taking deep breaths.

i'm okay now.

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