3 - y/n

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"i'll get it!!"

that's what i told my brother yeonjun when there was a familiar knocking at our door. i knew it belonged to hueningkai, as i recognized it from when he knocked on the door in math class. that's why i was so eager to get it. he seemed nice. and handsome.

i opened the door. hueningkai was the first one to greet me. i saw yeonjun rolling his eyes in the corner of my eye.

hueningkai:"o-oh!! y-y/n! i didn't know you'd be here." he managed to get out. i looked down at the floor. is this guy for real?? i'm yeonjun's sister!! where did he think i would be. i rolled my eyes, stepping out of the way to let the others in. hueningkai shuffled in slowly.. that is until taehyun practically pushed him through the door.

taehyun:"kai!! move ittt! we don't have all day!!" he scolded. i laughed softly.

taehyun:"oh- i don't know if we've met formally yet, but i have heard so much about you. i'm taehyun." he said, turning to me. my heart skipped a beat. yeonjun talked about me?? i shook off the thought.

"nice to meet you. i recognize you too. i'm y/n." i shook his hand.

he smiled, his eyes met mine. they sparkled like the moon. maybe hueningkai wasn't right for me. he might be handsome, but he's a dick. he wants nothing to do with me. but, i can tell, taehyun's interested.

we all sat down, yeonjun setting the table. as taehyun approached the table, i patted the seat next to me. he smiled and sat down. we all ate our bulgogi, yummy as always. yeonjun makes THE BEST food. we all knew that. despite being the only girl, things are looking up.

as for hueningkai, he stared at me the entire time we ate.

soobin:"i'm gonna run to the liquor store. want anything??" he looked to us. i shook my head. i don't drink, even though yeonjun wants me to. the guys told soobin their requests, and he headed out.

"well, i'm going up to my room." i said. little did i know taehyun had followed me. i shut the door, but i didn't hear taehyun crack it open. i changed into a nice dress and touched up my makeup, brushing my hair. i opened the door, bumping straight into taehyun.

"gah!! how long have you been standing there??" i stuttered.

taehyun:"the entire time." he smirked. i suddenly ran out, not knowing why i hadn't just kissed him. tears ran down my face. i was about to open the door and run for it when..

kai:"woah woah woah. y/n.. calm down!! what happened??" he grabbed my arm and wiped my tears. i breathed shakily, nearly collapsing. i fell backwards. hueningkai caught me quickly. we met eyes, as he held me inches away from the floor. he cleared his throat and tilted me back up.

"i- uh- just embarrassed myself. that's all." i said, embarrassed to cry in front of kai. i wiped my tears and tried to break away again. he stopped me.

kai:"y/n. stay. we need you here. plus, it's gonna be fun. hey.. after we get drunk, want me to drive you back to mine and we can hang out?? just you and i??" my tears cleared. i nodded happily.

everything's going according to plan.

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