8 - soobin

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i found her walking down the street. she seemed lonely and lost. she was all bloody.


she sobbed.

y/n:"kai kicked me out. where am i supposed to live now!??"

my eyes widened.

"kai did what."

she nodded and nearly collapsed into my arms.

"let's go back to his house. we can convince him to let you stay."

she nodded. we rang the doorbell of his house. no answer.


no answer.


no answer.


no answer.

y/n just cried and cried.

"i'm coming in!!"

i pushed myself full force straight through the door. i found kai in his room, on the floor.

"y/n!" i screamed in horror.

she ran up.

y/n:"k-kai!!" she bent down and ran her hand across his face. she felt his hand.

y/n:"ice cold."

i breathed heavily. i needed to call the others. i texted them, "sos. kai's passed out!!"

soon enough, taehyun, beomgyu, and yeonjun came running through the door. taehyun slapped him several times. he didn't move nor make a sound.

y/n called 911, her hand over her mouth and her face covered in salty tears.

short chapter. oopsies.

xoxo, abbie

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