21 - hueningkai

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i'm really happy that i made up with y/n. but.. something isn't right about her lately.. and its really bothering me. i came up from underwater and looked at y/n.

"hey, are you sure you're okay?"

y/n:"yeah... i'm just really tired..."

she seemed really flustered and out of breath.

"maybe we should get you out of the water??" me and yeonjun exchanged anxious looks.

yeonjun:"he's right.. come on y/n. i'll make you some dessert, how about you and kai make some brownies?" he tried to soothe her while grabbing her gently by the arm. she broke free of his grip.

y/n:"i'm fine." she lingered in the pool tiredly. i got out of the pool to go inside and grabbed some water. i ran back outside greeted by the sounds of screams and of splashing water.

i looked over at the pool where taehyun had just jumped into the water. i started to laugh because i thought they were joking, but i quickly realized that nobody was laughing.

they were too busy dragging y/n's limp body out of the pool. her eyes were closed and everyone was crying.

beomgyu was panicking.

beomgyu:"what do we do?!"

yeonjun:"call 911, you idiot!!"

my mouth widened.

"okay, nobody's calling 911 until someone tells me what happened!!"

taehyun looked worried.

taehyun:"when you went inside, y/n was just swimming alone in the pool. we were talking and laughing and yeonjun looked at the pool and realized y/n was nowhere to be seen. we found her at the bottom of the pool, kai.. things don't look good for her.."

"oh my god.." tears came to my eyes as i looked at y/n. i picked up her bony hand and squeezed it as hard as i could.

"call 911. call 911!!" i screamed through tears.

yeonjun came behind me and crouched down next to me. he patted me on the back, trying to hide his tears to calm me down.

"h-how long do you think she was under there.." my hands were shaking as i squeezed her hand tighter.

yeonjun:"long." he said shakily.

"no.. no no no no no.. y/n.." i fought through my tears. i started gently shaking her.

"y/n.. y/n choi, wake up!! wake up, y/n, wake up!! i love you, goddamn it, you know that? i love you!!" i yelled. yeonjun stared at me in horror of what's happening.

i started screaming. i had lost control at this point, and i was crying hysterically. everyone was at my side now. i kissed y/n's soft lips, wondering if this was the last time. the paramedics arrived.. the rest of that night was a blur. all i remember was holding her cold hand that was once warm and never letting go.

the next day

i woke up next to y/n, still holding her hand. she hadn't made a sound and she didn't move from the position she had been in.

i realized i was the only one in her room. had the others not cared? or had they just left because they thought i couldn't handle myself? i let myself start to drift back to sleep.

suddenly, y/n started coughing. her eyes opened and she immediately started crying.

i sat up.

"y/n?!! oh crucified christ.. y/n!?!?"

she didn't respond.

well, you could say she did.

she responded with a scream.

a long, tortuous scream.

the doctors rushed in and took her away. away from safety. away from me.

"hey!! hey, wait!! give her back!!" i cried. it was useless. they didn't listen. i pulled out my phone and texted the group chat.

 i pulled out my phone and texted the group chat

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i laid there in her bed, sobbing. waiting for her to come back.

"please come back, please come back." i screamed the words into the darkness of her room.

i was never able to count how many hours i prayed for her that night.

all i know is that it was enough to get everyone else here.

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