26 - y/n

38 2 4

"alright, i think that we should go back home."

kai:"yeonjun will kill us."

i made a face. "who cares about the asshole? i'm not 5 anymore and he has to accept it."

kai:"okay.. if you say so." he laughed.

we walked back to the car.

"hey i think i'm gonna sleep a little bit."

kai:"okay, sweet dreams. i'll wake you when we're home."

i sat down in the car and closed my eyes, playing with the ring on my finger. i now realized that if i die, i can die happy. i can die happy and i'll be fine. i shook off the thought and fell asleep.

20 minutes later

i felt a tap on my shoulder.

kai:"y/n, we're home my love."

i opened my eyes.

"can we- can we go in the pool?" i asked.

kai:"why would you wanna go in the pool y/n?"

"i don't- i just do. can we?"

he nodded hesitantly and grabbed my hand. instead of going through the front, we went around the back to the pool. we jumped into the pool. accidentally, i started to lose grip of his hand, submerging under the water. i felt my ring finger get lighter.

i started coughing and i couldn't breathe. not this again. i don't wanna do this. why isn't he saving me?! where is he?? kai?

suddenly i felt a hand on my ankle. it pulled me out of the water. i opened my eyes and realized it was him. i coughed some water. he looked into my eyes with a sweet smile. he looked slightly worried.

kai:"y/n? are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm okay."

kai:"come on. let's put on dry clothes and then we can try and explain this to your brother."

"i don't think he's gonna take it well." we both laughed.

i looked down at my finger. something's missing.

uh oh.


kai tried to grab my hand. i hid it behind my back. how would i tell him? he probably spent so much on that... what am i gonna do? tears were coming to my eyes. i tried to smile.

kai:"y/n? give me your hand-"

"i'm okay!! i think i can walk by myself." i chuckled nervously. it must've slipped off in the pool. i can't believe i let it slip off..

i couldn't take it anymore. i started crying.

kai ran to my side immediately.

kai:"y/n? are you okay? what's going on, my love? i'm here... take your time.."

"i lost it.." i said through tears.

kai looked confused. kai:"lost what?"

"your ring. i lost it." i continued sobbing.

kai looked flustered.

"just break up with me already. i deserve it. god, just do it.." i started crying harder.

kai:"y/n.." he took my hands and looked me in the eyes. kai:"you could never do anything to deserve that. and i would never do that to you. i love you, y/n, and i'll love you unconditionally."

i smiled slightly.

kai:"uhh, okay.. oh my god.. umm.. where do you think you lost it?"

"i think it slipped off in the pool.."

kai:"well i was holding your hand the whole time.. so it must've been when you started sinking.. which was.. right over.. HERE!!"

he dove into the pool. he came out with something shiny in his hand.

kai:"here y/n." he put it on my finger.

kai:"just be more careful next time, dear. okay?"

i nodded.

"i don't wanna go inside. can we just hide out here?"

he sat down at the edge of the pool with me.


kai:"we could hide at my house."

i laughed.

"good idea!"

we drove back to his house and went upstairs.

we both changed into dry clothes.


kai:"goodnight. i love you."

"i love you."

i hugged kai and went to sleep.

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