27 - taehyun

37 2 21

i woke up on yeonjun's couch. i kicked beomgyu. he groaned.

"wake up, sleepy."

beomgyu:"5 more minutes!!" he yelled into a pillow.

i laughed.

kai called me.

"oh, hey."

kai:"hi, um, can you get yeonjun to stay away from y/n and i? he's really upsetting her."

"you mean he's upsetting you?"

kai:"okay, yeah, but please?"

"sure. hey.. why don't we go ice skating later??"

kai:"yeah, good idea!! let me ask y/n."

i heard him talking and y/n's soft voice in the background.

kai:"okay. she thinks it's a good idea. how about 3 pm?"

"sounds good. tell y/n i said feel better."

kai:"oh.. she's doing great.. but i will."

i raised an eyebrow. "okay. bye." i hung up. something seemed off.

soon enough, it was 3pm, and kai's car pulled up. me and the others climbed into the car.

"hey kai. hi y/n."

y/n:"hi everyone.."

"how are you."

kai cut her off. kai:"she's fine. everyone ready to go?"


he started driving.

we arrived and everyone hopped out. we started putting ice skates on.

yeonjun:"don't you think it's a little bit dangerous for y/n to go ice skating? she could get really hurt."

soobin:"i think she'd be fine, if someone stayed with her of course."

yeonjun was about to say something when kai chimed in.

kai:"i will."

yeonjun rolled his eyes.

beomgyu:"okay, let's roll."

we got on the ice, kai helping y/n.

yeonjun fell flat on his face. everyone started laughing, especially y/n.

y/n:"you deserved that, you big dummy!!" she laughed.

yeonjun got up and pushed y/n. she almost fell when kai caught her.

kai:"yeonjun, you're so mean!! you could've hurt her!!"

kai:"taehyun, hold her hand for a sec."

i grabbed y/n hand.

y/n:"what's he doing?" she whispered.

i shrugged. suddenly, kai pushed yeonjun onto the ice.

y/n gasped and tried to run in and break it up. i held her hand firmly.

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