15 - a/n (nobody's pov)

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two months later, summertime 2023

y/n laid down in a lounge chair next to soobin. she watched and giggled as beomgyu, yeonjun, and taehyun held hueningkai over the pool, throwing him in.

he screamed happily. y/n sipped her lemonade. she was thrilled that it was finally summer time, especially after agreeing to move back in with kai after he was discharged. they had been going many fun places together ever since. basically best friends.

nothing more than that. yeonjun had to accept that there was no way to help kai. he had to shake it off and accept that y/n doesn't seem interested.

soobin:"childish hyungs." he chuckled to y/n. she nodded, taking another sip of yeonjun's phenomenal lemonade.

kai:"y/n!! are you coming to save me?? are you gonna come save your little bean.." he made puppy eyes at her playfully. she waved him away with her hand.

y/n:"one sec." she did a little dance around the pool over to the rocks and the waterfall. she jumped off the curb into the pool, right onto kai. he laughed and coughed.

kai:"better watch out y/n.. soobin's lurking." y/n glanced at soobin. he hadn't taken a look at the pool. he seemed like he wanted nothing to do with it or us.

y/n:"this looks fun" she propped herself out of the pool and walked back over to the waterfall. she stood on top of the rocks surrounding it.

she danced around.

kai:"y/n, be careful!! those rocks are slippery, and that end of the pool is pretty deep!!" he yelled.

y/n:"relax!! i've got this, i'm an athlete." she joked. she wobbled over the rocks, almost losing her balance twice. suddenly, y/n tripped and fell into the pool. losing her breath and flailing her arms, as she came up she was able to scream for help.

hueningkai immediately swam to the stairs and got out, running to where y/n was. when he was about to jump in to save her, though, something even worse was happening.

he saw taehyun holding her and comforting her, who had gotten there first because of his stealthy movements. hueningkai crossed his arms.

kai:"okay mr."i'm so good at everything". we get it. you saved her." he rolled his eyes and sat down near soobin.

although his sister had just almost died, yeonjun took this as an opportunity. kai did need help. from the look on his face when he saw her with taehyun, yeonjun had known. taehyun lifted her out of the water and onto the curb. she struggled to stand. she took a few wobbly steps towards kai and soobin.

taehyun:"that's it. take it easy." he smiled. beomgyu creeped up behind taehyun and grabbed him. they tickled eachother laughing hysterically.

kai said nothing when y/n made her way over there. all he did was lay there and cry. he screamed in agony through tears, drawing everyone's attention.

"y/n.. oh y/n.. how could you do this to me??"

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