10 - hueningkai

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well, this is just great.

i blew my chance with y/n.

i nearly died twice.

how can this go more wrong??

i woke up to the group surrounded around my bed. y/n immediately hugged me. i hugged her back, slightly in pain.

"how long am i gonna feel like this??" i asked in pain.

beomgyu:"just relax kai. you're gonna be fine."

the doctor came in shortly after beomgyu said this.

doctor:"unfortunately, we're afraid you aren't gonna have much time left."

i heard y/n gasp. i just sat there, startled.

doctor:"but there is a way we can fix that... it's gonna require surgery."

my mouth opened wide. surgery??

doctor:"we have the paperwork here, if you'd like."

soobin could tell i was about to freak out.

soobin:"do you mind stepping out for a second, doc??"

the doctor nodded and walked out.

"h-how am i gonna sign those papers?? i'm not gonna sign them knowing that i could come out of surgery dead!! i can't just sign my life away!!" tears filled my eyes.

y/n:"hueningkai, wouldn't you rather risk your life than die in less than a year?? you would get more time with us, and plus, if you choose surgery, we will be with you every step of the way." she smiled that kind and humble smile she had. y/n always puts others before her. and to be honest, she was right. it's worth the risk.

i nodded. i grabbed the papers from soobin, read through them, and signed them. the doctor came back and took them from me.

doctor:"kai, your surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:25 am. have a good night."

i nodded and laid back. y/n sat on the end of my bed.

y/n:"kai, you're gonna get through this. you're strong. even if it's tough, you will be completely fine. i love you, you know that." she said in a soft voice.

she WHAT?

y/n:"as a friend, of course." she added quietly.

i hugged her tightly. my chest ached. i winced in pain. she sat next to yeonjun and laid in his arms, falling asleep almost instantly. i tried to sleep. i did. but her words kept echoing in my head.

i love you, you know that.

this story is just perfect <3

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