24 - yeonjun

43 2 13

i can't.

i can't just sit here watching my sister die and acting like i'm okay.

i sighed as i heard soobin's words.

taehyun:"i'm going up there."

i nodded.

i don't know how i'll live without her. kai keeps asking me if she'll be okay.. and i keep telling him yes because i don't want him to know that she won't.

i know she won't. she won't wake up. her bed will be her place of death. i could sense it lately. i just didn't tell anyone.

i could tell. she was getting weaker and weaker every day. thinner and thinner and thinner. i don't know how nobody else could tell.

i heard kai's screams from upstairs. i just sighed.

how many times is this gonna happen before she dies?

at first, i wondered if we should take her to the hospital, so she can feel comfortable when she dies.

after 3 more days of her being asleep, i was sure she was already gone..

five more days, and i was ready to take her out of bed. i was about to take her away until..

there was a loud scream from upstairs.

"kai?? everything good up there?"

kai ran downstairs.

kai:"she woke up.. she woke up.." he cried again.

my mouth opened wide.

she woke up??

she's alive?!

i ran upstairs.


sure enough, she was awake.

sitting up in her bed, smiling.


i hugged her.

i quickly realized how much i wanted her to stay awake.

"cmon, i'll help you downstairs. you need to eat. can you walk? are you breathing right? i can call someone if you need.. do you have a stomachache? sore throat? a cough?" it all came out so quickly. she laughed.

y/n:"i think i'll be fine on my own." she got up and walked downstairs.

she ate some leftovers.

"okay. you're staying down here and staying awake. no matter how much coffee it takes, missy."

now it was kai's turn to make fun of me.

kai:"wow, yeonjun. i've never seen you actually be a good brother!! how sweet!" he said mockingly.

"yeah, well i gotta make sure i keep your little girlfriend alive so you don't die of a broken heart." i snapped.

his cheeks turned red.

kai:"she's not even my girlfriend!! stop being such a jerk!!"

y/n looked horrifed. i was starting to think i was right about the dating thing.

kai:"no, y/n.. you know what i-"

y/n:"no, it's fine. i get it. you don't want yeonjun knowing."

beomgyu raised an eyebrow. i smirked.

"knowing about what?" i inquired.

kai stumbled over his words.

kai:"the..you don't.. nothing!"

i sighed.

"cut the act already! we know you two are dating!! now, shut up about it or i'll puke!! got it?" i said, annoyed.

kai turned red. so did y/n.

kai:"okay, fine you caught us." they both left. kai sat down next to y/n on the couch and put an arm around her.

kai:"okay, sooo.. let's talk movies." he smiled at y/n.

"alright, moana, or tangled?"

y/n:"oh my god, can you guys be normal for once? i'm fine!! stop babying me!! i'm not a baby!! at least put on outer banks or something!!" we all exchanged looks.

everyone burst out laughing.

it was gonna be a long night.

especially because y/n spent half of it crying.

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